“What are you doing in there, man? We heard you talking,” Rake says through the door.
“Dude, you think he’s got a girl in there?” Jonas asks.
I pull on some jeans and yank the door open. “Jesus. I was getting ready.”
They look me up and down, and I realize I haven’t combed my hair or put on shoes. “What’s that white stuff on your sock, man?” Rake asks.
He and Jonas look at each other. “Oops. Our boy was spanking the monkey. You watching some good porn?” they ask, barging into my room.
“Ha, there’s the evidence. Phone propped up in shoe,” Jonas laughs.
I scramble to pull my sneakers on so we can get the hell out of here.
“Come on, losers, let’s go.”
The two of them rib me all the way down the hall and into the elevator. I give them one-word answers, counting my lucky stars Lucy didn’t hear a word of what they said, and wondering if at some point my luck will run out and with it, let loose the secret of my dirty bet.
“Hey, you gonna show up at the game today, like you didn’t at yesterday’s practice?” Jonas asks.
“Yeah, yeah. Funny guy,” I say, taking my seat at the private table the restaurant prepared just for us.
I order a scotch and sit back, happy in my post-orgasmic state, ignoring Rake’s and Jonas’s chatter while I think about Lucy sitting back on the sofa with her thighs spread wide open, just for me.
“… look at him. I mean, just look at him,” Jonas says quietly.
My attention snaps back to the room, and I realize they’re talking about me.
“Guys, I know I am fascinating, but really, do you have to talk about me, right in front of me?”
Rake nods. “I see what you are up to. You’re having fun with Lucy, but when you meet that ninety-day mark, you know you’ll be giving her the old heave-ho.”
The scotch burns going down, and for a moment I wonder if it’s going to come back up.
“If he reaches the ninety-day mark. Which is still questionable, if you ask me,” Jonas adds.
Ugh. They had to spoil the evening with this bullshit.
I cross my arms over my chest. I am so not in the mood for this. I’m doing a fine job tormenting myself over the predicament I walked into without them adding to it. “You’re right. I am having fun with her,” I say. “In fact, we were just finishing phone sex when you guys so rudely interrupted us with your big mouths, shouting about ‘ninety days’ through my door.”
Jonas’s eyes widen. “Oh shit. Do you think she heard us?”
Our steaks are served and I’m hoping this means Rake and Jonas will get busy eating instead of poking around in my business.
Jonas waits for my answer before picking up his knife and fork.
“I don’t think she heard you. But maybe next time you can keep your mouth shut,” I snap.
I don’t know who’s more surprised at my tone, the guys or me. I’m usually the easy-going one out of the three of us, taking in stride the constant teasing we throw each other’s way. But tonight, I am seriously on edge. I take a couple bites of my steak, and don’t even enjoy it, that’s how riled up they’ve gotten me.
It’s a dick move to blame the guys, though. I got myself into this predicament. Nobody forced me into it. And I have to get my ass out of it.
What the hell am I supposed to do about Lucy? I have every intention of dating her for the full ninety-days, but what will I do when she finds out about the bet when the guys lose, because I’m pretty damn sure they will?
The Tyler I was a few weeks ago is sure not the Tyler I am today. And that feels… strange. Uncomfortable. Creepy. Like my skin is crawling.