Page 65 of From Fling to Ring

“You haven’t said anything to your wife, have you?” I ask Rake.

His eyes widen. “Oh hell no. She’d have my balls. As it is, when she finds out about all this, she’ll probably be pissed as hell we pulled one of her friends into it.” Rake looks down at his food. “Yeah. Not looking forward to that.”

“Hard left, we have some lovelies in the house,” Jonas says, craning his neck to see around me.

I can’t blame the man for being on the prowl. With his little ones, he doesn’t get out of the house much except for when we’re traveling. Being a widower is not easy. I know from having watched my dad all my life.

Jonas shows me his teeth. “Am I clear?”

“Yeah. You’re good,” I say. I consider fucking with him like I often do and sending him chasing after an imaginary speck of spinach between his teeth. I just don’t have it in me tonight, though. “You know, you always could go to the men’s room to check like normal people do.”

“Okay, miss priss. I’ll remember that for next time. So let’s go chat them up. Rake is no use to us anymore with his married ass.”

Rake shrugs. “What can I say? I found someone who took me off the streets.”

I could go talk to the women Jonas is checking out, if for no other reason than to prove to myself I’ve still got game. Might help me put a little distance between Lucy and myself. Or should I say, Lucy and my feelings?

Yeah, I’m liking her. A lot. More than I want to, and more than I care to admit. Normally, I never get emotionally involved with any woman, even when we’re incredibly sexually compatible like Lucy and I am.

Attachments never lead to anything good. Just look at my father, all these years after my mom’s passing and he’s still missing her, cooking her favorite dishes so he feels closer to her. He’s never even looked at another woman all these years. Says there was only one love for him, and he’s lucky he had her for as long as he did.

Rake excuses himself and heads to his room, probably to have phone sex with his wife like I just did with Lucy. Jonas gets to his feet and tucks his shirt into his jeans while glancing over his shoulder several times.

Jesus, is that how I used to be? Prowling around like I’m stalking prey or something?

“No, man. I’m out.”

“What?” Jonas snaps.

I toss my napkin on the table as soon as the bill is paid. “See you tomorrow.”

I leave Jonas with his mouth hanging open, not feeling even a little badly for leaving him to fly solo. Aside from tomorrow’s game, I have one thing on my mind.

Her name is Lucy.

But when she texts me right before I fall asleep, I don’t respond back to her.



I’ve never been so happy to be back in town.

A couple days have passed since my last text from Lucy, but I guess that’s not all that strange because she’s been occupied with a girl’s weekend away. Now it’s time to face the music, though.

I arrive at a party Rake and Petal are throwing, and by the time I get there, it’s already packed. I immediately scan the crowd, throwing a small wave at folks I know, mostly teammates.

I told myself I wouldn’t flock to Lucy. And yet, I’m dying to see her.

In spite of myself.

She finds me first. “Hello, handsome stranger.”

I pull her into my arms and lay a big kiss on her lips. I told myself I was going to try and cool it with her, but the second I see her in a strappy halter dress and platform shoes, smiling from ear to ear, all bets are off.

Fuck me.

“This party is hopping,” I say.