In this sort of situation, there’s no doubt who’s the boss.
Wow. They braved downtown traffic and shitty parking together for me.
I can’t do this. I can’t. I need to leave right now.
I even glance at the door.
But I’m not going anywhere.
Tyler’s hopeful smile and nervousness at having bought me something to wear is squeezing my heart, wringing out every last drop of blood, and I’m glad. I hope I keel over from lack of oxygen. It would serve me right.
“Yeah, Rubes and I went together. She’s a pain in my ass but she has pretty good taste. Better than mine anyway.”
I gulp and nod, and thank God he has no idea what’s running through my brain right now, the sense of unworthiness and the knowledge I’m committing a betrayal, that I really am a shitty human being, and that my ambition knows no bounds.
I lift the lid and beyond the waves of delicate tissue paper that line the box lies something cream-colored. I don’t know what it is yet, because I can see only a sliver of it, but I have a feeling I’m going to like it.
A lot.
Tyler’s now leaning forward, elbows on knees, waiting for my reaction.
I take a deep breath and push the paper aside so I can get to the treasure within because now I’m curious as well as greedy. There’s something nice in this box, I know it, and I want it. Now.
I find the straps of a dress and as I lift it and it falls into shape, the box and paper tumbling to the floor, I am so blown away I gasp.
“Oh my gosh, Tyler.”
He’s gotten me the most beautiful, incredible cream-colored dress. It has straps and a fitted bodice, flaring into a full skirt that looks like it will hit just above the knee. It has a wide belt around the waist and reminds me of something Audrey Hepburn would have worn in the 1950s in one of her romantic movies. The silk is thick and sumptuous and lined with more silk, giving it body so it holds its shape for the lucky lady who gets to wear it.
I don’t know anything about high-end clothing, but I know this is the good stuff.
I turn the dress around, and back, and then around again. I can’t stop touching it. Or looking at it. It’s too pretty to wear. It belongs behind glass where no one can touch it or even breathe on it. Come to think of it, I’m not sure I even want anyone looking at it for fear of defiling it. I want to encase it in crystal and use it as the centerpiece for… everything.
“You… you got this for me?” My voice cracks. How could it not, in the face of such beauty?
Tyler nods, grinning ear to ear, like he knows he did good.
“We have that party coming up for the team, and I thought you might like something new to wear. No pressure. If you have something else you like better, go for it. Or you can always exchange this one. Whatever.”
I take a minute to catch my breath. “Are you kidding? I may wear this and never take it off.”
He nods. “Cool. I’ll have to tell Ruby you really like it.”
I do like it. I really, really like it.
And that’s not a good thing.
“Could you guys give it a rest?”
Rake and Jonas roll their eyes at me, which pisses me off even more.
They can make all the jokes they want about our running bet, but I really, really wish they’d wait until it’s just the three of us instead of when we’re surrounded by a couple hundred people in a big party where, oh, by the way, Lucy is also in attendance.
She is not, at the moment, right by my side, however. Off with her friend Petal and some of the other guys’ women, they’re doing their girl gab thing over by the buffet table, nibbling in that way women do when they really want to chow down but are trying to be discrete about it.