Page 50 of From Fling to Ring

How do I know about this, the sort of thing that goes well above the heads of most oblivious men? My sister Ruby. She may be young, but she’s taught me a little about the opposite sex.

And if she knew the bet I had with the guys, and how they don’t think I can keep a woman around, she’d have my neck.

It’s funny. When she was little, I pretty much raised her, at least as well as I was able. I was the grown up even though I was under ten. I was in charge, kept her in line, and made her do her homework, all through my own hyper misbehavior.

But now that we’re older? It’s like the tables have flipped. Sure, I’m several years older than she, and a successful pro athlete, but she has the ability to make me wither under her stare. These days it’s more her keeping me on the straight and narrow rather than the other way around.

That’s why she won’t get off my back about Lucy. In fact, at one point, I told her she should ask Lucy out if she’s so enamored of her. That earned me the kind of dirty look she reserves only for me.

She apologized for Dad flipping me the fuck out when he called about her latest emergency. The thing is, it’s not uncommon for people with diabetes to have to go to the hospital every now and then to be monitored and cared for, but when Dad makes it sound like this is ‘the end,’ well, what the hell am I supposed to do?

And so continues Ruby’s education of me. I pity the guy she ends up with.

“I have to admit, Ty, she does seem to like you,” Rake says.

Jonas looks skeptical. “Does she know about your small dick yet? The one you can’t get up?”

I ignore him. “You know, we are having fun. She’s a cool chick, and… well, she’s not the usual fare we guys meet.”

Jonas clears his throat. “Speak for yourself, buddy. Rake’s got a good one, and you know I used to as well. So, you’re the one with the lousy track record.”

“Fine. She’s different from what I usually meet.”

Rake screws his face up. “I still don’t think she’ll last three months. You’ll find something wrong with her. You’ll learn she pees in the shower. Or puts mustard on her peanut butter sandwiches.”

That again?

“Look, that was one woman. I’m past that now. Not nearly as judgmental as I used to be.”

“Look at our little Ty-Ty, all grown up,” Jonas says in a baby voice. “Seriously man, have you thought about what you’re going to do when she finds out none of this is real? That it’s just a bet? Or are you going to ghost her like you did the last five women you dated?”

Rake shakes his head. “Dude, that’s not gonna happen. She’ll never find out. She’ll just be gone one day.”

“Look, assholes. I like her. A lot. Probably more than I should. So why don’t you back the fuck off?”

I head across the ballroom to the bar because I’m not sure what else to do. I’m not in the mood to chat with the owner or any of the managers. Actually, I’m not in the mood to chat with anyone at all. So I sink back against the corner of the bar, hoping no one tries to chat me up, and watch Lucy smiling and laughing with a bunch of other women.

And goddamn, she’s gorgeous in that dress. Its retro style—my sister’s term, not mine—is the perfect complement to her figure and sassy-ass personality with the way it pushes up her tits and flares out around her nicely curved bottom. Her hair, a mop of wild blonde curls, and her bright red lipstick, make me think of Marilyn Monroe. I knew she liked the dress from the moment she took it out of the box, but what really felt good was how tickled she was that I made the effort to begin with.

It feels good to do something for a woman like Lucy. She’s not like some of the others I’ve known, so full of expectation and entitlement. She appreciates the good things that come her way. She knows to be grateful and not take things for granted.

I wasn’t lying when I told the guys I like her. Way more than I expected to. I thought we’d hang out, do a few fun things together, but I never thought we’d have anything in common, never mind connect the way we have on a physical level.

The woman is hot as fuck.

And she’s headed my way.



I’m watching Lucy cross the room toward me, her gaze locked with mine and her pretty red lips twisted into a snarky little smile. Her dress swishes as she walks, her tits bouncing lightly, and she knows, goddammit, that I can’t take my eyes off her.

The bet, while it was funny as hell just a few short weeks ago, is starting to feel, well, pretty shitty.

While Lucy continues to weave through the crowd, a hand lands on my forearm.

“Oh, Daphne. Hello. Didn’t know you’d be here.”