Page 99 of From Fling to Ring

“Exactly!” I knew she’d get it. Michaela always gets it. “It’s about having self-respect, setting boundaries, communication, and practical stuff like navigating online dating and identifying potential landmines.”

She shakes her head. “Sounds like you’ve got all the bases covered.”

I do. And it feels damn good.

“I appreciate your support, Michaela. I never would have done this without your little pushes.”

She nods thoughtfully. “It’s my pleasure. I never had anyone to encourage me. It’s such a small thing, and yet so many people can’t be bothered with it. I’m happy to be here for you. Maybe you can pay it forward someday.”

“I do have a little request of you,” I say, hesitating to even ask.

The woman’s already done so much for me.

“What, Lucy? What do you need?”

I take a deep breath. “What do you think about writing the forward to the book for me? Only if it’s not an imposition, of course.”

Her eyes get watery and she places her hand on her chest. “Are you serious? What an honor. I’d love to.”

“Great,” I squeal, clapping my hands. “I’m thrilled. I’d like to see what you think of my next idea.”

“What’s that?” she asks, stirring her black tea.

My eating habits are so not like hers.

“I’m thinking of asking Tyler to write the book’s introduction. You know, to kind of provide the guy’s perspective.”

Michaela nods slowly. “I like that. I think that could work, you know, add a lot of credibility to the content.”

“Really? You think it’s an okay idea?”

She nods with more enthusiasm. “I do. It’s a very creative approach. I’m into it.”

Now I just have to talk Tyler into it.



I throw my arms around Petal and Gilly, and we stand like that for a couple minutes, just holding each other and blocking the flow of traffic into the hockey arena.

Until security taps our shoulders. “Ladies, can you take your group hug over in the corner?”

“Sorry!” Petal sing-songs.

We get in line for the nachos with fake orange cheese that she loves so much. “Oh my God, Lu, we are so glad you’re back.”

Gilly nods, tears in her eyes.

What the hell was I thinking, leaving these ladies? Paris is awesome and all, but my girls are awesome-r.

“I’m so glad to be home,” I say, grabbing their hands and bouncing up and down in my booties.

Petal play-smacks her head. “Holy shit, those stories about Frenchie. What a creep. Sorry about hooking you up with her. She was always a weird little social climber but I figured, you know, we’re all grown up now and she’d have her act together.”

“I love how she gets by on Google translate,” Gilly giggles. “No plans to learn French. Talk about a way to endear yourself to everyone you meet.”

Petal cranes her neck from where we’re standing in the long line. “What is taking so long? Don’t they have this nacho cheese dish down to a science?”