“Also, if Caspian mated a fellow shifter, especially a kraken shifter, he would have been expected to ignore his bisexual urges. How unhappy would he have been locked into a relationship like that because that’s what his animal requires? The man’s soul would wither, and he would end up resenting that mate.” Xavier shudders at the thought, because he was in the same boat.
“He told me that his kraken wasn’t interested in men prior to our mating but is super happy to have fun now that we are mated and have the babies.”
Brannock nods. “That’s no surprise. Most alien species are primal, and survival of the species is definitely a major need. Once that need has been met, then they tend to relax a little.”
“Okay, I guess I can understand that. I just worry I’m not going to be enough, that the lightning cats need more cats in their streak, Xavier’s kinky side is being stifled, and there isn’t enough of me to go around with the seven mates I have now, not to mention three babies with four more on the way, let alone the males my mimic side is pressing me to seal to us.” I wince at how desperate I sound.
“From what I know about you, Lila Adams, I would say those worries are unfounded. I have spent the last few weeks watching you with your mates, and I can confidently say every single one of them is happy and having their needs met. I haven’t ever seen such a joyful and flourishing mating circle as yours, and that’s with all the added stress you’ve been under. Remember, I’m as old as dirt and recall a time when mimics were more common. Relationships are hard work, but you seem to be coping wonderfully.”
My heart thuds hard inside my chest at Brannock’s words, and my mimic powers pulse erratically. It’s all I can do to stop myself from tackling him, riding him to the ground, and buttering his corncob. My mimic side wants this man with a fierceness that is hard to control, and I’m certainly coming around to the idea.
Damn it, Lila, if you don’t mate that man, I might have to do it for you, Xavier says in my head. Who would have guessed he was so in touch with his emotions?
“Thank you, Brannock. I really needed to hear that. It has been a whirlwind since I arrived at the circus.”
“Don’t forget you don’t always have to be strong, Lila Adams. The universe gave you so many mates for a reason. Use them to lean on when you are doubting yourself, and you will never go wrong.” He starts walking again, leaving Xavier and me to exchange another look.
“Seriously, if you don’t ride him like a pony, I will,” my husband growls and tries to stomp off, but he fails and falls on his face instead, rolling until he hits the wall of the hallway. Colorful curses pepper the air as I watch him struggle to right himself. I take pity on him and fly down, grabbing his hand to pull him back to his feet, my elemental form so much stronger than it appears.
He glares at me before muttering, “Thank you,” then adds, “I mean it, Lila, you husband that man up and make him a part of our family. We need someone else with emotional depth, and he has it in spades. Who would have thought an Aaz’axian would be so thoughtful and caring?”
“It doesn’t hurt that he’s sexy as fuck in his real form.” I arch a questioning eyebrow, and he rolls his eyes.
“No, it doesn’t hurt at all, but remember, none of us will be able to play with him, Lila, not with his spiky appendage. This is all about you.” He sounds defensive, and I didn’t mean to do that to him.
“I’m sorry, I was just messing around.” My apology doesn’t seem to appease his mood.
“Not all of us are bisexual, and you need to remember that. A good portion of us are, but Brannock and Tirrian haven’t ever shown any sign of it.” He sounds grumpy as fuck as we follow the Aaz’axian who has gotten a little farther ahead of us. “Don’t assume I’m encouraging you to add mates for my benefit, because I can assure you, that’s not the case.”
“Whoa, wait, I’m sorry. I never thought that was the case,” I apologize, feeling guilty. I never thought that, but I guess my joke may have made it seem that way. He heaves out a sigh and waves a stubby hand at me.
“No, it’s fine. I’m sorry too. I guess I just want you to be happy, and I can feel what you feel for him, not to mention the snake. There’s also your attraction to Ghosie, and despite his asshole ways, Tirrian, so in my mind, mating them all is the key to your happiness. An added bonus is that having all these powerful and dangerous men around you would help ensure your safety, because we know people will be coming for you.” I stare at Xavier in astonishment. I had no idea he was so worried about everything. He certainly does a good job of keeping a wall up around his emotions.
I stop and throw my arms around my warlock and snuggle against him. “I love you. I promise I’m working on it all. Stop hiding how you’re feeling from me. I know it’s still a reflex from your harem, but I’m your mate. I want it all, the good and the bad,” I tell him, and his relief is visceral as he practically sags against me. I give him a few quick kisses and stroke my hand over his nubby head before pulling away. “Okay, let’s get our minds on the job. We have a grandma to rescue and a planet of bloodthirsty creatures to thwart. We will worry about my thirsty mimic side once this is done, I promise.”
We’re just about back at the space dock, and I see Brannock inside, waiting for us, so we break apart and make our way to him. Xavier will lead us to whichever ship belongs to the harvesters.
The two day trip to Husadavia feels like an eternity, and I can feel my form getting weaker. There’s still no sign of the mysterious hooded figure from Dopnoo’s mind, but when there was a crew meeting once all the hires were on board, we were told to stay clear of the top level of this ship.
All hundred of us are confined to the bottom level, which contains shared lodgings, the flight deck, and a cafeteria. The cafeteria is loud and smelly, and I decide that spending my trip in our assigned space is much preferable. The three of us stay in a shared room, and I decide to switch back to Skarrian form just so I can be comfortable. Once I’m no longer in my earth elemental form, the weakness disappears. I stay behind closed doors, but Brannock and Xavier do some recon. Xavier switches from his glamour to his usual mist so he can snoop on the top level, but he finds a barrier that wouldn’t allow him to pass.
“I can’t believe I couldn’t get through that barrier. The elevator door opened, and it was like I was trying to pass through a solid wall. There wasn’t a single crack to be found for me to get through it.” He’s running a hand through his long dark hair, his glamour dropped in the privacy of our room.
Brannock and I watch him pace back and forth, muttering about being one of the most powerful beings in the universe and what could possibly be more powerful than him.
“A blow to his ego, isn’t it?” Brannock mutters out of the corner of his mouth, his eyes sparkling with amusement. I can’t stop my giggle, and Xavier whirls to glare at us.
“Comments from the peanut gallery are not welcome. If you want to be heard, say something that might actually be helpful,” he sneers at Brannock, whose eyes narrow. Brannock drops the amusement and becomes serious, crossing his arms and leaning back against the bed he commandeered as his own.
“Your magic is powerful, very powerful, but you are still very young, and despite what you think you know, there are more powerful beings in the universe—beings who have faded from most races’ knowledge.”
Xavier stops pacing. “Like what?” he demands, his arrogance and annoyance making him forget what we had been speaking about previously.
“You’re talking about the old gods, right?” I ask him.
Brannock nods. “Yes. I was around prior to the war, and I remember when the galaxy used to worship the gods.”