Page 24 of Interlude

He won’t even look at me now, and that pisses me off. We pass a little alcove, and I push him into it, leaving Xavier to continue on his way, not even noticing we stopped.

“Whoa!” Brannock teeters a little but manages to stay upright. I wince, because I forgot they aren’t very mobile in this shape. It still blows my mind that the glamour is solid and not just an illusion on top of their normal forms. I reach out to help steady him. “What’s wrong?” he asks, looking around for danger. His form flickers once more in agitation. He really struggles to hold his glamour when he’s emotional. I remember him saying alcohol affects it too, which is no surprise.

“Nothing’s wrong, I just wanted to take a moment to talk to you without the other asshat adding his galactic two cents.”

The flickering settles down, and his breathing slows, but there’s still a wary look in his eye, and he crosses his arms. “Okay?” I can feel how defensive and hurt he is, even in this form.

Now I feel awkward as fuck, but I’m going to pull up my metaphorical big girl pants and woman up. “You do know I’m attracted to you, right? If we ever have sex, in no way will it ever be a pity fuck,” I tell him, and I think I surprise him. “But I also don’t want the first time we have sex to be about powering me up like a Super Mario mushroom.”

I’m rambling with my nerves, and I can tell by the little crease between his eyes that I lost him with that reference.

I sigh. “Look, I think you’re sexy as fuck and would really like to take you for a spin in whatever form you want to. If that means your cock treats my inner lady walls like a pin cushion and tears me to shreds, then so be it…” I trail off and think about what I just said. Oh my god, now I want to slap myself. What the fuck just came out of my mouth?

Luckily, Brannock’s mouth twitches like he’s trying to stop himself from laughing. His hurt is gone, replaced with amusement and no small amount of lust. “That’s a very generous offer, Lila, thank you.”

“Okay, cool, just so we’re clear.” My wings beat faster as I prepare to escape this absolute clusterfuck of a conversation. How did I think I could make the situation any better? If anything, I just made it worse. Before I can leave, though, his hand shoots out and grabs me, slowly pulling me against his bumpy, corn kernel body. He pushes my long green hair back behind one of my little pointed ears, his fingertips brushing against a horn, causing a shiver to run down my spine, and leans in.

“When I tear your pussy to shreds, you will be begging for it,” he whispers before releasing me and waddling off down the hallway in the same direction Xavier went in, leaving me panting with suddenly wet thighs. It’s super unsexy watching him walk away, but I imagine what he normally looks like, and that’s way better.

“Holy fuck!” I didn’t think Brannock had it in him, but that was hot. I wave my hand in front of my face, trying to cool myself off with very little success. Well, at least I know we are both on the same page.

When I leave the alcove, I see the two of them waddling together. Xavier must have stopped and waited for us. I’m grateful he gave us a moment to chat without adding his damn commentary to the conversation. He winks at me when I get to them, and we keep moving.

We maneuver through the crowds milling around storefronts and dining establishments. This space station seems to be popular. One of the guys told me it has a more unsavory clientele than the other space station, X69. My eyes don’t know where to stop as I look over the different beings, but there’s something on my mind that’s been plaguing me since I saw the tree men at the sign-up, so I drop down to ear height with Xavier so I can ask him a quiet question.

“Did you fuck all of your harem members?” I ask him as I bite my lip, unable to hide my worry. He frowns and looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

“Why do you ask, phoeall?”

I guess I wasn’t doing a good job of controlling my anxiety. “Because I’m worried that our sex life has been fairly vanilla if you’re used to fucking different alien species.” Sure, his harem girls were all warlocks, but the men were a collection of weird and wonderful creatures. I’m worried that he’s going to start looking elsewhere for the spice, and it’s not like my guys are all that different. He said he can feed exclusively from me now that our intimate bond is established, but I’m sure it’s probably tastier when it’s kinky.

“Should I be shifting into my alternate forms like this so that you can have some fun?” I ask him, waving at my little fairy body. I’m almost certain Xavier will split me in half with his cock in this form, but I’d still be willing to take one for the team. I think about my other forms. There’s the Barcoa, but I’m pretty sure neither of us want to fuck like that. There is also my necro form, which I avoid using because it’s slightly terrifying being able to communicate with the dead, and I’m pretty sure my Madovian form would kill Xavier as quickly as fuck him, since she’s the hardest to control, and to be honest, Madovian sex is fucking disturbing.

The confusion on his face clears and is replaced with a smile and sympathetic understanding. “No, baby.” He stops, spins, and holds up his arms to catch me. They aren’t long enough to reach me, so I drop down, and he gathers me into his embrace, holding me against his bumpy torso. I relax into him, enjoying a moment in my husband’s arms. My insecurity slowly drifts away. “While I would have fun playing with whatever form you want, I don’t need or crave it. You are everything I could ever want or need in a sexy, curvy package. The fact that you allow me to play with your other mates as well is more than I could ever wish for, and I am so very grateful that you are such a generous, loving woman.”

“Well, I mean, they are your mates too, right? That’s what being married is about. What’s mine is yours, and what’s yours is mine.” I pull back and wink at him, feeling relieved, and he chuckles, giving me a quick kiss before letting me go.

“Indeed, I like your way of thinking.”

I flutter my wings and rise, taking the lead before asking something else that has been plaguing my mind.

“So, I was wondering, when the grandpas first told me I was Skarrian and what being mated was about, they said I could gain powers from my new mates, and they could get them from me, but so far, I seem to have gained everything and you guys nothing.”

“I wouldn’t say we’ve gained nothing,” my husband quickly argues. “In fact, you could say we have all gained so much more than boring old powers.”

“Aww, and this is why I keep you around.” I blow him a kiss, and he grabs it from the air. I like that I can see him—or a version of him. If he was in his warlock form, he would be all shrouded in mystery. I mean, I get it, it gets strong reactions, fear being the greatest, but I like being able to look at him, even if he does resemble a shuffling corncob at the moment.

“Didn’t you mate most of them in their own species’ way?” Brannock asks, and I think about it. Cas, Xavier, Saxon, Echo, Max, and Nikos all mated me in their way. Link is the only one who mated me the Skarrian way.

“Yeah, so does that mean there isn’t a crossover? Why isn’t Link showing any signs of my mimic or whisperer powers?” I ask the Aaz’axian.

“I don’t know for sure, but I’m going to guess that’s why none of them have gained your powers. As for Link, it’s probably because he’s a cyborg. Magic, which I guess is what Skarrian power is at its core, doesn’t work for them.”

Xavier cuts in. “Their nanobot abilities, which you have shown remarkable control over” —he winks— “is purely technologically based. There’s nothing magical about it but pure science, so he wouldn’t be able to wield your powers anyway.”

I mull over the two explanations, and that seems to make sense. “Yeah, okay, I guess I can see what you’re saying. I just kind of feel like maybe they all got the short end of the stick.” I hadn’t realized how much it had been bothering me because I’ve been so busy, but now that we’re talking about it, I realize it really does. I don’t want them to resent me further down the line.

Xavier opens his mouth to argue, but Brannock gets there first, scoffing loudly. “Think about it this way. If they mated their own species, it wouldn’t be any different, would it? They wouldn’t have gained any extra abilities. I think they are lucky and extremely thankful for their beautiful and loving mate.” I can see the longing in his eyes before he turns away from me.