Winston buried his face in her tits, shrouded under the shell she’d worn with her blazer earlier. Lucy pulled her top off. He probably didn’t mind that by this stage of pregnancy, her breasts spilt out of anynormalbra. Winston unhooked and tossed the bra aside. He enveloped one nipple, then the other, in his mouth. She set aside any worries about misfires, leaning into how good it felt. If he dared complain, that was on him. To have him lavish her with such attention was the end goal.
Lucy felt Winston rock-hard under her. She needed to try it.
“Get naked and fuck me properly, Tony.” She stood, tossing her clothes.
Winston followed suit in record time leaving them naked and acting like horny kids trying to get it on while their parents were out. Lucy climbed back astride. Her centre pressed to Winston’s cock. The very feeling made her whimper in the best of ways.
“You want this? I need to know you want this, Luce,” Winston said. “Because I can wait. And we can stop if it doesn’t feel good. For whatever reason.”
Lucy kissed him. “I know. I love you for saying that. But if I cannot have you, I think I might explode.”
Despite worries it might hurt, Lucy slid Winston inside her, gently first. The initial thrust was a little awkward, but after that, it was smooth sailing.
“Is it… okay?”
“It feels great,” she confirmed, continuing to grind on his cock.
It feltnew—like they were truly starting over. As he stared at her—captivated by her moans—Lucy felt powerful. She felt more herself than in years. Everything came together. Winston loved her. He worshipped her, wanted her andneededher for this—for things beyond their children. He adored her. She felt everything as she looked into his eyes. There was lust in his movements but nothing but love for her in his gaze. This was the man she’d fallen in love with.
Lucy sped up, her body ready for a triumphant climax.
“Your cock feelssogood,” Lucy moaned. “God, I have missed it.”
“Good. It’s been waiting for you. Desperate for you,” Winston said.
She kissed him once more, barely able to contain the moment’s ecstasy. Winston helped her up and down, feeling she was about to cum. Thus, the thrust became more powerful. It put Lucy over the edge.
She pulled away, screaming, “Oh, fuck me, Winston!”
And with that, she lost it. She came and it was like waters cresting. She felt everything. Her entire body felt warm and tingly—everything real and new. She panted and kept going, trying to please him. She wanted them both to end this round happy. She needed him to get the same pleasure he’d given her—the finality that they were back and better than ever.
“Being inside you feels amazing,” Winston gasped. “It is all I have wanted for so long—to have you wrapped around me like this. Damn!”
“Uh-huh,” Lucy said. “You want to cum inside me? Make a big mess?”
“You’re going to get your mess, Lucy, because I’ve been saving this up and fantasising about this for far too long.”
“Cum for me, then,” Lucy said breathlessly. “Give it to me.”
Winston groaned, thrusting inside Lucy hard. As he grabbed her hips to push her down, he bit her earlobe. She felt him pulse inside her for a long time. He remained inside until the end, his breath quick and hot on her neck. It was electric, passionate sex they’d sought for years. It was the release they both deserved.
“That was a top ten sesh,” Lucy rolled to the side.
“Fucking dynamite. Worth the wait,” Winston agreed. “That’s how weshouldhave managed to get pregnant this time.”
“Well, we’ll make up for it,” Lucy said. “We can pretend it was the best of times and no one will know the difference.”
“No. I want to remember how good you felt and how raw it was,” Winston said. “In this moment when we’d laid it all bare, Lucy. When we had copped to everything and said all we needed. I want to remember this about us in twenty years. Just like the day we did this the first time and I couldn’t put into words how I felt… that is what I feel now. Everything. Everything I needed.”
“I will miss being here all the time,” Natalie sighed. “But it’s the end of an era.”
Ed looked at her standing in their bedroom doorway in their “hideaway” in Wales. When they’d moved here, he’d been the city boy worried he’d be miserable. He agreed to leave under the premise of a fresh start. This was a love nest, a sanctuary, a shelter from the shitshow that was royal public life. The house saved their marriage in a dark time. Leaving it hit him hard—he worried about the next stage. It was time. Natalie was thirty-four weeks pregnant and about to be grounded in London. They needed to nest.
“I love this place,” Ed admitted. “Hate to say it but it breaks my heart to leave.”
“Mine, too,” Natalie admitted.
Ed wrapped his arms around her, kissing her forehead. “We’ll be back. We’re not leaving for good.”