“You’re right, I don’t. According to Nadia the only thing she knows about us is that we have been dating for a couple of weeks. That timeline is not quite accurate, it hasn’t been that long, but I don’t want to contradict her statement.”
“Okay, that shouldn’t be a problem. So, the woman’s name is Nadia Moore. This is the girl you had us do a background check on, right?” Paula talked around the pen in her mouth as she typed some notes.
“Yes. Everything checked out as I recall. No big skeletons lurking in her closet, at least none that we were able to uncover,” Ryan stated matter-of-factly.
Ryan pondered the undertone of distrust in that statement. If he was being honest with himself, he had to admit that he still didn’t know Nadia very well. Although, he would know everything about her soon enough.
“How serious is the relationship?”
Ryan hesitated, knowing that too strong a statement would make Nadia skittish. “Tell them we are exclusive and enjoying each other’s company very much.” He curled his nose up at such a dry and understated description of his feelings for her.
“Nicely vague, perfect. Long term potential?”
“Let’s dodge that question for now. If you can’t, simply state that things are going well at the moment and that a long-term relationship is always a possibility for the right people.” Ryan nearly laughed at the absurdity of the statement. His mind was already made up, Nadia was his now and forever.
“Okay. Off record, as a friend Ryan, what is this woman to you, really?” Ryan pictured her heavy eyebrows pinched together inquisitively.
“Between you and Theresa a man simply can’t have any privacy, can he?” Ryan chuckled, amused at their nosiness. “Honestly, she is the one. I plan to marry her, but she scares easily and seems to have a great deal of difficulty committing. I need to go slow.”
“Well, she’d be a damn fool to turn down a catch like you.”
“Thank-you Paula. Anything else for the story?” Ryan asked, getting back to business.
“What would you like me to say about how you two met and her background?”
Ryan thought about the question for a few seconds before answering. “You can tell them that Nadia moved from her affluent family in New York to explore life in another area of the country and gain some new experiences. We met in the cafe I frequent for my morning coffee where she is working as a barista.” It was simple and truthful, as far as he knew.
“Okay that will work. Keep your phone on. If anything else comes up, I’ll give you a call.”
“Thanks Paula.” Again, Ryan felt a deep appreciation for the good people in his life, as both business associates and friends.
“Ryan,” Paula’s voice was soft, “give us an update about your mom when you can.”
“I will,” he said.
“Take good care in Montana, we’ll be thinking of you.”
Ryan and Paula said their goodbyes and hung up. He looked at the stack of financial reports on his desk with renewed energy. Armand was taking care of all the transportation details for their trip, the statement for the press was done, and he would get George Sanders to arrange the generous severance package for Markus, as well as transfer the funds for his upcoming stint in rehab. All he had to do was make his way through the reports, leave instructions for his executive board team, and then pack. Everything could be handled; everything would get done. Times were rough but he was still Ryan McKellen.
The sun beat down mercilessly, casting shimmering waves of heat across the tarmac. Midday in Miami should be spent on the beach, Nadia thought, second guessing her decision to go on this trip. Stepping out of the car, she let out a low whistle at the sight of the impressive silhouette of the private jet against the sky. Her family was wealthy, but Ryan’s wealth was on another level entirely.
As she neared the staircase leading up to the aircraft, Nadia couldn’t shake the nervous flutter in her stomach. With the true depth of Ryan’s wealth having just struck her, the moment was feeling very surreal.
Upon entering the jet, Nadia’s eyes darted around the lavish cabin. She noticed a well-stocked wet bar on her right and a closed-off area towards the back. However, one thing was notably absent: Ryan. She hesitated in the doorway, feeling a flicker of uncertainty. Was there a proper protocol for boarding a private jet? She brushed off her nerves with a self-deprecating chuckle, but the feeling lingered nonetheless.
“Having second thoughts Miss Moore?” Armand nudged her gently from behind, freeing her from her self-conscious chiding.
“No, sorry Armand. I was just... taking in the sights.” She gestured around the cabin.
“Oh yes, I remember the first time I rode in here with Ryan. It ruined me for all other vacations. How could I ever fly coach again?” He laughed, took her by the elbow and escorted her to one of the reclining leather seats near the back.
“Yeah, even first-class pales in comparison to this.” The taupe carpet was plush and cradled her feet as she made her way through.
Nadia sat down, continuing to survey the cabin. Even the lighting inside somehow felt decadent; it was soft, muted, and relaxing. She leaned back into her seat allowing herself to get comfortable, at least as comfortable as possible, considering she felt completely out of her element.