Page 115 of Unleashing Chaos

“No. I don’t think it’s possible for your beauty to be too much.” Cannon reaches for my crown on the vanity and holds it up to me. “May I?”

I nod, my fingers nervously toying with the end of my braid. “Please.”

With steady hands he places the crown on my head. The weight of it causes my knees to buckle, and Cannon grips my elbow to keep me upright. It isn’t the metal and jewels that are too heavy, but the finality of the moment. I won’t spend days roaming the human realm, I won’t watch human science-fiction movies, or have to be conscious of my power. From this day forward, I will be bound to Infernis and the demons and energies in my Circle. They will be what I live for.

“It suits you,” Cannon says, straightening the crown on my head.

I smile and reach up to run my fingers along the diamond encrusted crown. “Thank you. For everything. I could never express how grateful I am that you did this for me. Gave up everything.”

“This is what I want, Desi. I’m gaining so much more than what I’m giving up. This is worth it.”

His words carry so much conviction that my chest aches. Cannon is so sure of what he’s doing. And I feel so unsure. I force a smile and try to mimic his certainty.

“We’ll have a good existence together,” I say.

He nods and pulls me into a hug, sliding his palm up to the back of my neck and holds me close against his chest. “We will. I’m going to make you happy, Desi,” he murmurs in my ear.

Not as happy as Jace would have. I push the fruitless thought from my mind. “Promise?” is all I can manage.

“I promise. Things will work out the way they’re meant to.”

Cannon loops my arm inside his and leads me out of the room. Our footsteps click through the vast hallways, each step always off from the other’s. It’s as if my body is telling me that it will never sync up with Cannon the way it did with Jace. The man beside me will always live in the shadow of another. I would say it isn’t fair to put him in this position, but he already knows the truth. Cannon wants this, which is more than I can say for Jace.

We reach the ornate double doors flanked by two occisor demons. They stand tall, the curved horns on their heads adding to their height. Flat black armor covers bulging muscles and rows of sharp teeth peek through gray lips. Cannon grips my hand at the crook of his elbow and his back straightens. I don’t blame him for putting on an impenetrable façade. The warrior demons must be a horrifying sight for a human.

The guards bow as we draw closer, and I nod in acknowledgment before they open the doors. Demons of all shapes, colors, and sizes stand on either side of a golden runner. Some are dressed in their finest and others have opted to attend today’s ceremony in their natural form. Glowing eyes, pointed tails, shiny hair, and skin in every imaginable hue—the beauty of demons is on full display.

Our royal family crest sways on crimson flags mounted on the floor-to-ceiling pillars. An iron chandelier hovers over the room, its scrolling arms holding countless candles that cast everything in a buttery glow. Cannon and I walk down the aisle, our focus on the enormous black marble dais in front of us. Sixteen thrones sit in two rows, the largest of them—my mother and father’s—are positioned front and center. My brothers and their eternal partners sit upon all the remaining thrones but two. Soon Cannon and I will take our place among Infernis’s future leaders.

The room spins as my father stands and descends the steps of the dais, and I’m certain that I’m going to pass out. I sway on my feet, and Cannon has to grab my hands to steady me.

“Desi, are you okay?” he whispers.

I nod, my eyelids drooping. “I—yeah. I think I’m just nervous.”

“Are you sure? You’re pale, and your hands are so clammy. You don’t look well.”

I squeeze his fingers but I can feel that my strength isn’t where it usually is. “I’m telling you, it’s just because everyone is staring at me, and I didn’t eat today because I wanted to make sure I fit into this dress. I’m fine.”

A dubious look crosses his face, but he lets it go. “I promise you have nothing to worry about. Soon everything will work out the way you hope it will. This is far from the end, Desi.” He lifts his lips in a weak smile. “I’m going to keep hold of your hands just in case.”

“Okay,” I whisper, even though his words hit me as odd. How can any of this work out the way I hope?

My father smiles as he stands in front of us, clapping a hand on Cannon’s shoulder and kissing me on the cheek. “You look fantastic, my darling Desideria. Cannon, you clean up well too.”

My eyes fill with tears; I’m going to miss my father’s terrible dad jokes. But I can see the toll that ruling has had on him. He looks weaker than he did less than a week ago. His light is dimming, and with it his physical strength.

A titter of laughter goes through the audience, and when everyone quietens down again, my father speaks, his voice loud, commanding, and somber. “Good afternoon, demons and energies of Infernis. Thank you for traveling from every corner of the realm to be here, to see my lastborn child bind herself to her eternal partner, followed by the coronation of each of my children to their Circles.”

Applause breaks out for a few moments, but when my father holds up a hand to silence them, the hush that falls over the room is instantaneous.

“Over the millennia, Infernis has overcome many challenges. Our realm saw many decades without true growth, when humans believed only by obtaining peace would they find eternal happiness. You have worked tirelessly in their realm to teach them that not all energies thrive in what Pax can offer. You have helped them embrace their chaotic sides and filled our realm with their wild energies. Our kingdom has grown by leaps and bounds, and, as you all have likely deduced, it is no longer possible for only one to oversee the havoc you create. I am pleased to begin the process of passing my rule to my children, who will continue this new tradition.”

Again, the crowd erupts into cheers.

“Never again will another ruler burn out too early. We will be a stronger realm from this day forward. But first, let us bear witness to the eternal bonding of Desideria and Cannon.”

I take a deep breath, choosing to ignore the fact that I can hardly fill my lungs, and turn to face Cannon. He’s looking at me with narrowed eyes, like he can tell I’m not feeling quite right.