"She's not an assistant. She's your cousin from another vampire line. One of my turned children sired her," Corven said smoothly.
"Hi! I'm Lucrezia! Always Zia, and never Lucy! What's your name?" she asked with a bubbly smile. Ares opened his mouth, but she immediately interrupted him."Wow! This place is huge. What a lovely view, uncle!"
She walked over to the windows and pretended to look at the cityscape. In the reflection of the glass, she saw the annoyed look on Ares's face, and her grin widened.
Hate being ignored big boy? Excellent.
"Have the others arrived? I have business I need to attend to tonight and would like to get this meeting over with quickly," Corven said, walking further into the penthouse. "Zia, darling, come with me."
Zia hurried to his side, making sure her blonde ponytail had extra swish to it. Ares's expression had gone from annoyed to a full-blown scowl, but he followed them wordlessly. She was going to have too much fun with that one.
Zia didn't have to pretend that she was impressed with the decor. Everything was expensive and in shades of black and silver. It was like being in an overpriced hotel. This was the family’s public space, and yet, it felt like a conference room. There were no family paintings or unique artwork.
Perhaps they only stay here when they need to, she thought. It was too early to tell whether it would make her job easier or harder. If they were all staying in the city until Corven chose an heir, it meant they were accessible.
The downside was that Zia doubted they would have anything personal or of interest in their apartments. It never hurt to break in and check.
She gave Ares a side-eyed look and idly wondered if he had a cupboard of dead hookers somewhere. Nah, he's more of a shoe guy.
"What's so funny?" he asked, voice cooler than the marble under her feet.
"I'm just really happy to be here. I can't wait to meet my new family," she replied, smiling at him until he got uncomfortable and looked away.
The poor guy didn't know what to think; she could see it written all over him. And the fun and games were only beginning.
Corven opened glossy black doors to reveal a round table with three other dhampir. Zia smiled at Erik, Camille, and Emilia. She probably knew more about them than their therapists. Erik was a sandy-haired, charismatic, and notorious playboy who held a position in the company but was rarely at his desk.
Camille, with a perfect platinum bob, was on multiple charities and boards, everything from cosmetic startups to children's wards. She famously only wore shades of white and looked like a cool queen until she wanted something from you, and then she could be charm itself.
Emilia was the youngest at twenty-two. She was an influencer and was known for her edgy fashion choices and her savagery when crossed by rivals. She had straight black hair that fell to her waist and looked like she had stepped off the pages of a fashion magazine.
"Thank you for coming, children. I'll only keep you a few minutes. This is your cousin Zia." Corven made the introductions, and Zia sat in the chair next to him. Ares sat on the opposite side of the table, still looking like he had a bad taste in his mouth.
"What backwards village did you come from?" Emilia asked, looking her over.
"I came from Crete. The village was small. You wouldn't know it," Zia replied with a wave of her hand.
"Corven, this girl is green as grass. The city will eat her alive," Erik said with a soft laugh. "No offense, sweetheart."
"She is a Volso. If the city tries to eat her, it's up to us to make sure they choke," Ares commented. It wasn't exactly a compliment, but Zia had a feeling that was as close as he got.
Corven nodded in agreement. "Ares is right. I want you all to be polite and take Zia under your wings. Show her around the building and make sure she has whatever she needs. Cami, be a darling and introduce her to the important people at one of your soirees. I'll be checking in on you all in a few days."
"Thank you, uncle. Can you make time to see me for lunch when you do?" Zia asked hopefully.
He chucked her under the chin. "Of course, I can." He gave the rest of them a cool nod before gliding out again.
"I can't wait to get to know?—"
"You're quite the little suck up, aren't you?" Emilia interrupted her with a snide smile. She got out of her chair, her beautiful pink nails sliding over the silver scarf about her neck.
"I don't understand. I like Uncle Corven," Zia said, gently pushing her chair away from the desk and swiveling it towards her. There was no way she was going to have her back turned to her.
"Do I need to speak slower for the country bumpkin?" Emilia sniffed as she grew closer. "You still have goat shit between your toes, cousin?"
"I had lots of sand in Crete?" Zia played dumb, and it just irritated Emilia more. Zia decided to slide the knife in a little more. "I've seen your Instagram. It's really popular. I mean it's not like Cleo Bloodworth's level, but it's very good."
Zia expected a reaction by mentioning her rival's name, but Emilia leaped at her, fangs and claws out. Zia caught her and with her momentum tossed her to the floor. She pulled off Emilia's silver scarf lightning quick and hogtied her with it.