"That's how we deal with unruly goats in my village," Zia snarled softly in her ear.
"Get your fat ass off me, bitch," Emilia screeched.
"That's enough, the both of you," Ares said, pulling Zia off Emilia. "You had it coming by being rude to her straight away, Emilia. Now you have it out of your system." Ares untied the scarf, and Emilia scrambled to her heels, red-faced. She looked ready for another round, but Ares stepped between them. "I said enough."
"You're not Corven so stop pretending like you are!" Emilia snapped and stormed away.
Camille and Erik were both snickering softly together.
"That was so much more entertainment than I was expecting today. I have a function to finalize for tomorrow, so I'll be on my way. Erik, I could use your eye on the final guestlist. Looks like it's up to you to show our new relative around, Ares."
Camille flashed a knockout smile at Zia. "I'll make sure you get an invite too."
"Thank you. That would be really nice," Zia said, smiling back.
Erik patted her on the shoulder. "Don't worry about Emilia. She's just insecure. She will warm up."
Zia fought not to knock his hand off her. "Thanks. I want us all to be friends."
"Of course you do, pet," Erik said and followed Camille out.
Ares cleared his throat. "I'll show you around, but it will have to be quick. I have another meeting in thirty minutes."
"I hate to be a bother. I'm sure I can find my way about," Zia said. She would see all the things they didn't want to show her that way.
"Corven said to show you are around, and that's what I'm going to do," he replied, and she groaned inwardly. Outwardly, she channelled a sun-kissed bimbo and twisted the end of her ponytail.
"Thank you. I really appreciate it."If nothing else, it would give her a chance to find new ways to slide under his skin. "Lead on."
Ares nodded and headed out of the room. Zia noted with reluctance that the back looked as good as the front. She sighed. It was always such a waste when the gods bestowed their favors on undeserving assholes. It was almost a shame she was going to have to crush him.
Ares's jaw already hurt from clenching it so hard. He showed Zia the stocked kitchen none of them cooked in and the entertainment area none of them used. Not one of his siblings bothered with any pretense of wanting to be a big, happy family. Especially not in the way their new cousin imagined.
Where the hell had Corven been hiding her? Ares was sure he had tracked every one of the family members down. No family living in Crete had ever been brought up. Especially not this girl. Her bubbly smile and personality grated against him like salt in a wound.
"This place is so big. You guys must have lots of fun together," she said, gasping at the small cinema he was showing her.
"Not exactly. We are usually too busy to socialize," Ares replied. Well, he was. The rest of them? Not as much. They did fuck all except go to parties and smile pretty at cameras.
"You guys should make time. Family is important," Zia said stubbornly.
Gods, was she for real?
"I'm not sure what Corven has told you, but none of us are close. Erik and Camille socialize with the same people, so they are the friendliest, but that's about it, so manage your expectations," he told her.
Zia twisted her fingers in her golden ponytail and pouted. Actually, fucking pouted. Everything about her was annoying the shit out of him, but he couldn't snap or be rude because it would be like kicking a cute, clueless puppy.
"Let me show you the gym," he said and swiped a card over the elevator panel.
"Do I get a card?" she asked.
"I can have one arranged. Did anyone tell you what apartment you will be staying in?"
She shook her head. Of course not. This whole thing had been dumped on him last minute, like everything else. He took out his phone and shot a text to security.
They got into the elevator, and he pressed the button for the gym. He waited for a text back, refusing to look up from his screen. He didn't do small talk.