Page 72 of Girl Betrayed

“Jake, I don’t know if—” The flashing red and blue lights in Dana’s rearview choked her words off mid-sentence.


“Shit. I’m getting pulled over.”

“What? By who?”

It was hard to see past the glare of lights, but Dana recognized the outline of the government vehicle. “I don’t know. Black SUV. Unmarked. Jake, I have to go.”

“No! Dana, listen to me. I’m going to hang up and call you back on a video call so you can screen record your interaction. Whatever you do, keep recording.”

“Jake—” Dana tried to object, but he’d already disconnected. Seconds later his incoming video call lit up her phone. Dana glanced in her rearview. The driver was exiting his car. If she didn’t answer now, she wouldn’t have a chance to.

Dana hit the green phone icon and Jake’s face filled the screen. “I’m here,” he said. “Hit screen record.” She complied with shaky fingers. “Tell me what’s happening,” Jake ordered.

“He’s out of his car.” The knock on her passenger side window made Dana jump. The man standing outside her car wore black cargo pants and a black flak jacket. The absence of insignia made her pulse quicken. “He’s knocking on my window. What do I do?”

“Roll your window down an inch and ask for his identification.”

She did.

The man wordlessly complied, shoving a bifold with a heavy silver badge against her window.

“Give me his name and Metro ID number?” Jake demanded.

Dana stared at it in disbelief.

“Dana? Can you hear me? What’s his badge number?”

“He’s not Metro PD,” she whispered.

“Who’s he with?”

The man outside her window returned the badge to his jacket and leaned down to peer directly at Dana. “Special Agent Matthew Spector. Homeland Security Investigations.”

Jake swore but the agent ignored him, his gaze locked on Dana. “Dr. Gray, please disconnect your call and step outside the vehicle.”

“Dana don’t—” But she was already gone; her fearful eyes his parting gift.


The shrillnessof Claire’s ringtone echoed through the empty coffee shop earning her a scowl from the bored barista. The number readunknown,but Claire quickly answered anyway. Relief swept through her when she heard Betty’s voice on the other end.

“Where are you?” Claire demanded. “I’ve been waiting here forever.”

“I know,” Betty answered. “I can see you.”

Claire’s head swiveled from side to side. The coffee shop remained as empty as ever.

“Stop,” Betty ordered. “You look paranoid.”

“That’s because I am!” Claire snapped. “Where are you?”

“I’m sorry. I’m just being cautious. Come outside and take a left. Walk two blocks, then take another left. I’ll meet you beneath the overpass.”

“This is ridiculous. Why can’t you just come here?”

“I’m watching to make sure you’re not being followed.”