Page 71 of Girl Betrayed

When she was silent, Jake said, “We’ll get through it, Gray. Remember, one step at a time.”

She sighed. “I know. But these steps don’t seem to be leading anywhere.”

“Wanna talk it through?” he offered.

“When I get home,” she replied.

“When will that be?”

The light turned green, and Dana pulled a U-turn on the abandoned street. “On my way now.”

“That’s the best news I’ve heard all night.”

Dana could hear Jake’s smile through the phone, and it lightened her mood considerably.

“You hungry?” he asked. “I can whip something up.”

She hadn’t eaten, but the crime scene killed her appetite. “Thanks, but I don’t think I can eat.”

Jake’s voice was gentle now. “Tell me what I can do.”

“There’s a bottle of Pinot in my pantry. Have it open when I get home?”


Jake’s voice filled the car, wrapping around Dana like a security blanket she didn’t want to let go of. She wanted to be with him. The ache came on as sudden and ferociously as an earthquake, threatening to shake loose her grip on reality.

Putting whatever they were to each other on hold was the logical choice, but ignoring her feelings wasn’t working. Dana was constantly oscillating between desire and denial. One minute she was pushing Jake away, the next she was imagining his arms around her.

It was infuriating, and it was affecting her ability to think clearly.

Their current living arrangement wasn’t helping. Without time apart Dana was having trouble compartmentalizing the case. She knew Jake would want to know everything about the crime scene the moment she walked in the door.

Truthfully, there was no one’s input she wanted more, but sharing the horrific details of Cash Holloway’s murder would only make it harder for Jake to follow orders and stand down. She didn’t know what to do—about the case, or her feelings.

“How’s Claire?” she asked, wanting to change the subject.

Jake sighed. “She’s in her room.”

“All night?” Dana asked.

“Just since we had a difference of opinions.”


“She wanted to have Betty over. I told her it wasn’t a good idea.”

Dana frowned but didn’t answer.

“What?” Jake asked. “Was that the wrong move?”

“No. I would’ve said the same.”

“Then what’s wrong?”

Dana hesitated to say it, but she couldn’t fight her suspicion. “When’s the last time you checked on her?”

“I’m trying to give her some space.”