I gestured with my hands. “You have to know that I had nothing to do with this.”
“I have no doubt.”
“What we should be worried about is who would do something like this. Whoever it was took the trouble of filming me, then passing the video around students’ phones to create this distraction.”
Mr. Miller cleared his throat. “I think that’s a separate issue from your job here.”
“I’m a great teacher. I go above and beyond. You know I do,” I said to Mr. Miller. The last time I was here, he was singing my praises.
Mr. Miller’s face filled with regret. “You know you can be blocked from subbing for any reason. The video was inappropriate and distracting.”
“You can’t do that,” I said even though I knew he could. There were few guidelines on when and how a sub could be banned from a school.
Mr. Miller inclined his head. “You know we can.”
“What about Ms. Coleman? She has nothing to do with this.” It felt like my world was crashing down around me.
“We’ll have a separate conversation with her. The details of that conversation will remain private, just like this one.”
“Just not a private moment on a teacher’s porch?” I couldn’t help but ask.
Mr. Miller’s gaze slid away from mine.
“Someone obviously did this on purpose.”
“What purpose would someone have to film you making out with a fellow teacher?” Mr. Elias said.
“You said Brian Keaton came to you today with concerns about his kid being removed from the game.”
Mr. Elias shifted in his chair. “Are you saying that he would do something like this?”
“Tell me something. Am I still coaching football?” My voice was tight.
“I don’t think that’s the best idea. Not until this dies down.”
I stood, wanting to say this was bullshit but knowing that would be the absolute worst thing to do in a school. “That’s why Brian did this. He was mad about his son being pulled from the game, and he got me removed as the coach. Mission accomplished.”
“I don’t think the two are related,” Mr. Elias said calmly.
“Then you’re not familiar with Brian, but you will be. Every time something doesn’t go his son’s way, he’ll complain. You just gave him exactly what he wanted.” Brian was a bully, and there wasn’t anything I could do about it.
“We’re going to need you to leave the property,” Mr. Miller began.
“My bag is still in the classroom.”
“We’ll bring it to you.”
They wanted me outside because they were worried that I’d do something irrational, but that wasn’t who I was. I didn’t retaliate physically or in any other way. It sucked that at the end of the day, my best wasn’t good enough. Everything fell apart because of one mistake. Maybe two: not leaving Brian in the game and dating Claire.
Both would be my downfall, but I couldn’t help but think if I’d driven home after the game, there wouldn’t have been anything to film.
I walked outside, running a hand through my hair. Then I waited for Mr. Miller to bring out my bag.
It sucked.
A few seconds later, the door opened, and Mr. Miller handed me my bag. “We didn’t have a choice.”
I wanted to say you always have a choice, but instead, I said, “I enjoyed teaching in your school. Good luck.”