“Am I trending or something? One would think I’m some celebrity with the way they are staring.”

“Well, you’re dating my brother. Expect to become the most admired, loved, and hated woman in the city.”

I rolled my eyes at what she said, especially because it was a reality.

“Hold on,” Lydia said as she paused while reading something off her phone.

“What is it, Lydia? You’re bothering me with that expression on your face.”

“There is an article going around.”

“About?” I asked with curiosity, feeling my heart rate gradually increase.

“Will. It says he cheated on you.”

“I don’t get it. Why will there be an article about Will cheating on me?” I asked as I took Lydia’s phone from her to read what she was reading.

As I read the article, I could not help but feel hurt, confused, and overwhelmed with questions. “Who wrote this article?” I asked.

“An online blogger.”

I immediately picked up my phone and dialed Will’s number.

“Babe . . .” he answered.

“What’s with the article all around? What’s going on?” I asked.

“I’m sorry, it’s the lady from the other night. She is behind all of this.”

I sighed, wondering why she was taking such actions. Articles like these had the potential to ruin a person’s reputation, relationships, and even their career.

“Don’t worry. My team is already working hard enough to ensure she doesn’t get away with this. But are you okay, though?”

“Not you worrying about me right now.”

“Of course I will. There are a lot of people saying all sorts of things online. I just don’t want it getting to you, okay?”

“I’m all right, trust me, and I’m with Lydia, so I’ll be good.”

“All right then. I’ll talk to you later.”

On that note, he ended the call, leaving me curious about people’s opinions. As I scrolled through the comment section while Lydia ordered for both of us, I now understood why Will made the statement he did. One would think Will should be at the receiving end of it all, but I just could not fathom how and why I was being dragged into the mud. It now made sense why people were staring and pointing at me. As I read one of the comments, I felt an ache in my heart as if it had been pierced. Lydia could tell my facial expression had changed.

“What’s wrong?”

I remained silent as I read through a lot more comments.

I can’t blame Will for cheating. Have you seen the girl he is engaged to?

I can bet being engaged to such a woman is enough to push one to the edge of cheating.

She should probably work on that face of hers. Then maybe she would be able to keep a man like Will.

Honestly, I don’t know what he sees in her compared to the other beautiful women he could have. This needs to be looked into.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked away from the phone and Lydia, staring out of the closest window.

“Elizabeth, you know you shouldn’t be reading those comments. None of them matter.”