“Oh, oh, that’s true . . . umm . . .”

“What are you not telling me, Liz?” Lydia asked curiously.

“I’m sorry, I had forgotten to talk to you about it.”

“About what?”

I looked at Lydia and then wore a soft smile on my face as I thought of the best way to put this. “Will and I are back together,” I said, looking away to avoid eye contact.

“Whoa! Praise the heavens! But when did this happen? Last I checked two days ago, you both still weren’t on talking terms.”

“Well, a few things happened yesterday, and that led to me being his fiancée.”

“Wait, let me get this straight. Did you just say ‘fiancée’? I thought you were done with the contract and all.”

“This time, it’s for real, Lydia.”

“What? You’re both getting married, and you didn’t think to inform me directly?”

As I observed her reaction, I realized that although she wasn’t upset, informing her should have been my initial priority.

“I’m sorry, Lydia. We spent the rest of the day together, and you know I was just so carried away by the moment that it did not occur to me to call and talk about it.”

“I see. But are you sure this is what you want? I know how hurt you have been in the past few days, Liz, and I don’t want to see history repeat itself.”

“I promise you, I’m fine. Way better than ever.” I held her hand, reassuring her that I was confident in my decision.

“That means we are actually going to be a family for real now! Oh my god! Congratulations, Liz!”

We both let out a loud laugh as we hugged each other tightly.

“So does that mean we have a real wedding to plan?”

“Well, something like that,” I said, laughing as I watched her squeal in so much excitement.

“Finally! Will is letting someone in! Oh my god, this is good news.” Lydia paused before briefly adding, “You know, I used to worry that Will would end up a wealthy loner because he never let anyone in. Never! But now that he has you, I’m so glad because I know both of you and I believe you’re perfect for each other.”

“Thank you so much, Lydia. You know this would have been impossible without you. I love you so much!”

“I love you too, Liz! Congratulations! Now we have even more reasons to celebrate! What do you say we go out?”

“I’m all in!”

After a few minutes of dressing up, responding to a few other emails, and reaching out to a few individuals, Lydia and I were ready to move.

As we stepped out onto the streets, enjoying the beautiful warm weather, we finally settled to do a bit of shopping before heading to our restaurant. However, as we strolled, I could not help but notice that people were looking at me.

“Lydia, is it just me, or are people staring at us?” I asked to be sure it wasn’t in my head.

Lydia looked around and saw that people were indeed staring and pointing at us, particularly at me.

“Do I look weird? Is there something off?”

“No, not at all.”

“Then, why are people looking and pointing fingers?” I asked, confused as to what was going on.

Unable to handle it, we resorted to hiding ourselves in a restaurant while figuring out what the issue was.