“Who says my business is not profitable?”

“Come on, Elizabeth, if it was, you wouldn’t be here for a loan now, would you? A five-thousand-dollar loan at that.”

From the way she stared at me in disbelief, I could tell I wasn’t helping my case.

“Look, I need you to help me out here. Besides, it is a fake marriage. It’s not as though we are going to be officially married. We just need to tell people we are, just so I get these people off my neck, and in return, I help you, too.”

“I don’t remember asking you for your help. Do you think that with money, you can just buy people or resolve any problem you have?”

“Yes, that is what I think.”

“Well, that’s not reality, Mr. Will. You know what? I’m done having this conversation.”

“You really think that is not reality? Then you must think you’re living in a fair world. News flash! The world is not fair!” I said with a higher pitch than usual as I watched her actually walk out of my office—this time for real.

Letting out a breath, I placed my hand on my forehead as I pondered what to do. Now, I didn’t want anyone else but Elizabeth to participate in the fake marriage with me, and judging by her stubbornness, she was going to pose a challenge. Good thing I love challenges.

Walking back to my desk, I immediately dialed Anthony.

If I was going to convince Elizabeth to agree, then I needed to begin taking steps that would leave her no choice but to accept my proposal.

“You sent for me, sir.”

“Yes, I need you to give out a loan to Elizabeth Giller. She is here for the small business loan. She also happens to be my sister’s best friend, and she is as good as family. So please ensure that you double the amount for her loan for starters and bring me her proposal.”

“Of course, sir,” Anthony said before leaving my office.

I let out a breath as I thought of things I could do to convince Elizabeth to agree to my plan. I should call Lydia. She was her best friend. Of course, she should have an idea of what I could do to make her friend agree to my advances.

However, Lydia and I had not spoken in a while. One might assume that siblings should talk frequently, but Lydia and I had a unique relationship. Even though we didn’t speak all the time, we still shared a strong bond.

I picked up my phone and dialed her number. Placing the phone to my ear, I heard her answer on the second ring.

“And to what do I owe the pleasure of a call from you, Mr. George.”

“Is that how you say hello to your elder brother?”

“Last I checked, we never exchange pleasantries, so the earlier you begin talking as to why you’re calling, the better for the both of us. I’m sure you’re a busy man, right?”

“Come on, don’t be so harsh. I just want to check on my princess.”

“I find that hard to believe, but I will take it.”

We spent some time exchanging pleasantries and getting to know what each other had been up to. Of course, I had to do that before going straight into the request I had for her.

I brought up the conversation of the rumor going around, and of course, she, too, was familiar with the rumors.

“So, what do you plan to do now?”

“Well, I might have an idea.”

“Which is?” Lydia asked curiously, and I knew immediately that this was my window to penetrate.

“So I’m sure you’re aware that your friend Elizabeth is at my company for a loan for her business.”

“Yes, and how does that have anything to do with your situation?”

I paused for a second as I thought of the best way to put it. “Well, I might have introduced her to be my fiancée to my client who was adamant about knowing my relationship status. Now, that single act helped me close a huge deal.”