“I’m not confused! Now, if you would just listen to me!” Will said, raising his voice slightly in an offensive manner, and that got me annoyed.
“Excuse me?”
Will let out a sigh as he took a few steps away before returning to his previous spot.
“When you were in senior year, you dated some jerk who broke your heart, and you spent the entire week at our place, filling the entire room with tissue papers and snot everywhere. So yes, I remember, and I know who I’m talking to. Is that okay now?”
I looked away, embarrassed at what he had just said.
“Then why are you asking me to marry you?”
“Now you’re asking the right question.”
“I’m facing some challenges—there are rumors circulating about me, and they are not favorable. I need to clear my name, and the only way I can do that is if I have a wife, as you saw just now.”
“So, you want me to marry you, and we begin our lives as a couple, just like that? You must be a joker.” I adjusted my bag strap as I proceeded to walk out of his office.
“Where are you going?”
“To my appointment, of course. I’m supposed to have a meeting with the financial officer. It was my mistake to have ended up here.”
“Would you hold on a minute and consider what I’m offering you?”
“Which is?”
The moment I asked, I wondered why I even bothered in the first place. It’s not like I was interested in his bizarre ideas. At that moment, I had better things to worry about than some billionaire’s problems. It was a mistake to even step into his office.
I mean, I should have suspected it was the CEO’s office. The interior and the lounge looked too upscale for a financial director’s office.
As I thought about the appointment I had with him, I couldn’t help but hope and pray that I wasn’t too late for it.
I have always been terrible with directions. Why on earth was I so confident that I was on the right track? I probably should go back to the receptionist and ask for directions.
Checking my watch, I saw how many minutes had passed. So much time had gone by. He probably thought I was not serious about the loan.
Oh, God! This loan means too much to me! I can’t afford to lose it.
I had to explain the circumstances regarding my delay to the financial officer. Hopefully, he would understand the dilemma I was in. Exhausted from the conversation I was currently having with Will, I proceeded to leave his office.
Will was a billionaire. His next generations would probably not need to work again for the rest of their lives.
Meanwhile, I was still trying to figure out my own path. The sooner I get myself out of this office, the better for me.
Chapter eight
As I watched Elizabeth about to leave the office, I realized that she was my only solution. However, I understood Elizabeth well enough to know that persuading her would require significant effort on my part.
“Let’s make a deal. You marry me, and I will give your business all of the push you need. I know you’re here at my company for a loan.”
I saw her pause in her tracks and slowly walked back toward me. At first, I felt as though my proposal had worked, but with the expression on her face, I knew otherwise.
“You’re here for a business loan, aren’t you? Well, how about you marry me? I will ensure you get the loan and full support from my team to help you grow your business to a profitable one.”