“I’m perfect! Fuuuck! I’m cumming!” My legs trembled around his neck as he intensified his movements, moving his fingers in and out of my wet, throbbing pussy.

“That’s right. Cum in my fucking mouth, with yo’ perfect ass!” He latched onto my clit, causing my juices to spill onto his face.

“Yes!” I was panting and squirming. I needed to get away from this man for so many reasons, but he held onto me, never letting go of my pearl. Tears cascaded down my cheeks from the pleasure. Relaxing my back on the wall, I gave in and allowed Dr. London to suck on my clit and dip his fingers in and out of me. This was a connection I didn’t know I needed, and as my legs quaked around his neck again, I knew I was going to leave with this man. I didn’t want to marry Kashus. Being bonded forever to him would mean I’d live the rest of my life being disrespected. I didn’t want that. I wanted to be free to fall in love with someone who cherished me.

One last orgasm shot through my body, causing my legs to quake once more. I hoped the universe wouldn’t be cruel and allow Dr. London to be anything less than my knight in shining armor.

Dr. London

As her thick legs quaked around my neck, I wanted nothing more than to bury myself deep inside of her, but I had already ventured off task. The plan was to come and snatch her up out of this bullshit ass arranged marriage, not snatch her soul through her pussy. That’s not what she needed, but as soon as I saw her beautiful chocolate skin and smelled the sweet scent of her juices, I couldn’t resist the urge to taste her. If I got it out of my system, maybe I could focus enough to do what I’d come here for—to help her out of her situation.

I had Meechie put eyes on Monroe when she left my office, and that was how I knew she hadn’t checked in to the recovery house.

I was supposed to wait a day or two before making my move. I had all my options and went over my plan a thousand times, but somehow, my drive from the gym to home had turned into me sitting outside of her five-star hotel. Monroe didn’t deserve to spend another day being treated like she was. Not when I had the resources and the willpower to free her.

Lowering her to the ground, I retreated to a bar stool at the counter, watching Monroe regain her composure. I knew I had just thrown her for a loop, so I waited a few minutes before speaking.

“Do you want out?” I asked her again.

“It’s not that simple. Kashus… my father… they.” She stumbled over her words, her eyes bouncing around the room. I didn’t like how she was afraid to make eye contact with me. She was ashamed of her situation.

“That’s not what I asked you, Chocolate.” I motioned her toward me, calling her the nickname that had been running through my mind. She came, no questions asked. “I said, do you want out?” I wrapped my arms around her waist, bringing her body into mine. She felt perfect. She didn’t say anything for a moment. I knew all the things that must have been floating through her head. I was practically a stranger offering her something that probably seemed unattainable.

It had taken Jared three hours to get back to me and give me the rundown on Monroe and Kashus’s fucked up arranged marriage. It made me cringe that people today still practiced such bullshit, but a lot of crime families arranged marriages. It was their way of assuring the family business lived on. I was lucky that my family didn’t partake, but Monroe’s was in deep. It looked like every woman in her family had been arranged to be married. It was fucked up, and it changed the motivation for why I was doing this. I stared down at Monroe. We were alike in wanting to be free of the predestined rules of our families. Maybe that was why the universe had sent her to me.

“Yes, I want out,” she finally replied. “But how would that work? Where would I live? How would I make money? What would happen to my family?” She was rambling off a bunch of questions and concerns. I touched her lips, signaling for her to stop. The more questions she asked, the less likely she was to do this. Her questions were only fueling fear and doubt. The yes was all either of us needed.

“Grab anything that means something to you. Everything else, leave it. I’ll replace it. I’ve taken care of your living arrangements.” Her eyes ballooned as I spoke.

“Now?” There was so much concern in her eyes—so much fear. I would make sure she never had to feel any of those things again.

“Yes, call whoever you were just on the phone with and reassure them that you’re okay… leave the phone. When they realize you’re missing, it’s the first thing they’ll track,” I told her. Again, she stood there staring up at me. Her big doe-shaped eyes were searching mine.

“You trust me?” I posed the question aloud that was occupying her brain.

“Strangely, I do,” she replied.

“Then let’s move. I’m going to go visit your security. When you are ready, take the back staircase down to the first floor. A guy will meet you and take you to my car. His name is Polo. This is him. Any questions?” I turned my phone around to show her a picture of Meechie’s brother, Polo.

“No questions, just a request. Please don’t hurt Rah.”

My eyebrows bunched together at her request. I cocked my head sideways. I couldn’t blame him if he had been fucking her. Monroe was beautiful and neglected. The perfect combination for any nigga looking to fuck.

“You fucked him?” I wanted to know.

“What? No! Rah is gay!” she shouted.

“Good!” Me killing her security was never a part of the plan because I didn’t have to. When Kashus and Mr. Iris discovered Monroe missing, they would kill him for not doing his job.

“I won’t hurt Rah,” was all I offered her as I pecked her on the forehead.

“See you in fifteen minutes, Chocolate.” I walked out of her hotel room. I would have someone grab her security guard in the morning and take him to the warehouse until all this was over. Having him put up somewhere would be the only way to secure his safety. It wasn’t the plan I’d discussed with Meechie, but I couldn’t start this thing with Monroe off with her being mad at me for not following her wishes. My phone dinged, letting me know Polo was in place as I left the hotel room and took the elevator to the lobby. The task was simple: Get Monroe out of there without anyone ever seeing her leave. Polo and I had run this play a thousand times before when we oversaw moving cocaine. One body shouldn’t be any different.

“Have a good day, sir.” The guard gave me a head nod as I exited the building.

“You too, my guy,” I replied. That was his cue to black out the hotel security cameras so there would be no trace of Monroe leaving the building. The cameras would show her going to get ice and coming back. It was a camera trick that would cost me twenty thousand dollars. Climbing in my black Lamborghini, I took off toward the location where I would meet Polo and Monroe. It was a small parking garage about two blocks away that had busted security cameras. I pulled into the spot and waited about five minutes before getting out and walking over to the black SUV that was waiting for me.

“Nigga, you ain’t tell me she didn’t know the plan.” Polo swung the door open and exited the back of the SUV before I could even touch the door handle.