“I didn’t want to stress her.” I shrugged. “How’d she do?”

Polo cocked his head to the side and closed the door of the SUV. Just like his brother, he was a fool. Polo was a lot more animated than Meechie, though. I stared at him as he walked up to me.

“I ain’t want to talk about shorty to her face, but that girl is bougie and way chattier than ten bricks of cocaine.” He spoke just above a whisper, but his tone was serious as fuck causing me to laugh. I may have omitted a few details from Monroe, but they were for her own good and mine. I wanted her to agree to come with me. I didn’t want to scare the girl off.

“I appreciate you getting her here safely.” I dapped him up.

“We brothers, nigga, any time. It was fun hitting a lick with you again. This means you getting back in the field?” he questioned. It was valid, but it wasn’t fun for me. The only reward in this was freeing Monroe.

“Naw, just doing this for her.” I nodded toward the car.

“She is bad. I see you.” He nodded.

“Don’t be looking at her like that, nigga.”

Polo laughed. “I’m just complimenting your choice, nigga. I know that’s you.” He walked off toward my Lamborghini.

“This is just business. I’m just helping a friend,” I replied nonchalantly.

“Yeah, okay.” He shrugged.

“Don’t scratch my shit!” I yelled at him as I climbed into the car. Monroe’s eyes lit up at the sight of me. I could tell she had been scared. Seeing me seemed to bring her some relief. I liked that. I planned to be her peace for the rest of her life.

“You good, Chocolate?” I leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. This must have been a lot for her. She was leaving her life behind in the blink of an eye with no more than promises from a stranger.

“You didn’t tell me I was gon’ have to climb into a damn trash can,” she spat, causing me to burst into laughter. Images of what Polo must have had to endure flashed through my head.

“I didn’t want to alarm you.” I smirked.

“Do I look like a climb in the trash type of girl?” She was rolling her neck.

“Naw, baby, you like the most precious thing on this planet, and that’s why I needed to get you out of there without being seen.” I signaled for the SUV to roll out of the parking garage.

“Yeah, well, now I need a shower. There was spoiled food and tampons in there.” Her face scrunched up, making me laugh again.

“You’ll be able to take a shower on the plane or when we get to our destination.” I smiled at her.

“Plane? Where are you taking me?” Her eyebrows scrunched.

“To paradise. Sit back and relax.”


Dr. London wasn’t exaggerating when he said he was going to take me to paradise. We’d landed in Havana, Cuba thirty minutes ago. The night sky was doing nothing to hide the beauty of the scenery around me. The salty scent of the ocean air filled my nose as I followed Dr. London up the pathway to our villa. The villa sat on top of a hill and overlooked the beach.

“Here we are, Chocolate. This will be your home for the next couple of weeks.” He opened the door just as I reached the stairs. “I hope this will do. I never had to host a mafia princess before.” He ushered me inside. I welcomed the cool blast of air conditioning that greeted me as I stepped inside.

Dr. London closed the door behind us before moving around and turning on the lights. I left my eyes to gaze around the villa. It was beautifully decorated. It seemed more like someone’s home than a vacation spot. I could tell the furniture was expensive, not like the cheap furniture they supplied in hotel rooms. I eyed the floor-to-ceiling windows and allowed my feet to take me to them. Even at night, the views were beautiful. I couldn’t wait to see the views in the daytime.

“You like it?” Dr. London came alongside me and joined me in the window.

“This is perfect, thank you,” I replied. The weight of what I had done swept over me. In a matter of hours, I’d left my entire life behind without any questions asked. It was crazy, yet I’d never felt so at peace and free. Whatever the outcome, I was happy with my choice. Without warning, I turned to the man who had made this all possible and wrapped him in a hug.

“Thank you.” I breathed into his chest. He wasted no time pulling me in closer.

“No thanks needed. Come here, let me show you around.” He lifted me, and naturally, my legs wrapped around his waist. This was the second time this man had lifted me as if I weighed nothing, and I was in awe.

“This is the kitchen, as you can see. That over there is the living room…” He carried me to the staircase and up the stairs. Each step he took with me straddling the front of him made my pussy moist.