Unknown Number
This is Chloe (Mina’s girlfriend). I’m in!
I’m in! This is Casey
Hi Chloe! I’m excited to meet you. Mina told me all about you at Adrian’s birthday
This is Adrian
Sorry Chloe, if I’d known, I would have extended the birthday invite to you as well
No worries! I was out of town at a shoot anyway
Yeah sorry darlin’ that was on me
And by process of elimination this is Jamie. And I guess since Mina name dropped me, that means I’m in
As your best friend, I am not letting your miss your first real pride
You say that as if we’re not going down for Raleigh pride at the end of June
Yeah but that’s like an official thing. You’ll have to be in campaign mode all day
At DC pride you’ll just have to be in campaign mode for the five seconds it takes me to snap a few pictures for your social media. The rest of the time you can just have gay fun at a parade with your friends
Well not too much fun but you know that I mean
You make a very solid point
Although can we have our gay fun at the festival instead of the parade?
Oh yeah I’m with Jamie. Festival > parade
Festival has food
Ooh food. That’s the magic word right there