Festival gets my vote too
I don’t care as long as it’s hella gay
Adrian you in?
Festival is good with me
Jamie Montgomery
May 12, 5:27 PM
So I’m guessing if Mina wants pictures for your social, I would need to be in them, right?
Not if you’d be uncomfortable
You also don’t have to come at all if you don’t want to
It’s okay I can go
You don’t like crowds though
I don’t but I also don’t want you to look suspicious by me not being there. And the festival should be better than the parade
Okay good. That’s what I thought which is why I suggested it
Wait really?
Yeah I figured a moving crowd you could get away from it you needed to would be better for you than being trapped behind a barricade with a crowd
Jamie you didn’t have to do that
I know. But I wanted to
It’s your first pride out and if you want to go to the parade that’s what we should do. I’ll be fine
Darlin’ I don’t care whether we go to the parade or the festival. All I want is to have fun, and I’m not gonna have fun if I know you’re miserable
It’s June in DC. I’m pretty sure we’re all going to be miserable
True. In the wise words of Leslie Knope, this is a stupid swamp town
But really I’m good either way. If I were in the parade it’d be one thing. But I’m not and honestly the idea of being trapped behind a barricade with people isn’t all that appealing to me either
All I want is to be there with you and our friends and try to enjoy my first pride pretending I came out just like any other regular person
Thank you
Speaking of being in the parade, Mina mentioned being in campaign mode at Raleigh pride. Are you in the parade for that?
No Raleigh pride is just a festival
Do you need me to be there?
No, it’s okay. I’m already dragging you through one crowd. I don’t want to make you take the trip to be dragged through another one. Plus my parents are going to be there and they’re probably going to be even more extra than usual now that I’m out. And I’ll be campaigning. It’s going to be a lot
You aren’t dragging me to DC pride. I’m going because I want to. I may hate crowds but I can usually cope as long as I have plenty of time to hermit and recover after