Page 47 of Stay with Me

“Your expression changed. Want to talk about it?”

Hell no. I will not be talking about my ex … what? Fuck buddy? See, the lines are so blurred, I don’t know what we were.

“No, I’d rather not.”

“Well, I’m here if you change your mind.”

I tilt my head to mirror his gesture. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

Yes, this man is safe and knows all the right things to say. I haven’t missed how attentive he has been. Again, I note that my father gave options this time around. I guess he and Mom are tired of me being their only single child as well.

“Isn’t that your brother-in-law?”

I stiffen. The moment he says it, I feel him. Knight fills a room with his presence effortlessly. I do my best not to whip my head in the direction Sheldon is looking.

Slowly, I turn. There he is with the brunette from the party. She’s the total opposite of me. Long legs, pale skin, and rail thin. Her two legs barely make one of mine.

When Knight’s gaze lands on me, I lose my breath. My skin tingles with the memory of the last time he touched me. I wait for that smile of his that tells me he knows I’m reacting to him, but all I get is a small nod before he turns back to his date.

I look down, searching my feelings for how to process this. I turn back for my own date, but I don’t hear anything else he says throughout dinner. I give small replies in all the right places, but I couldn’t tell you much about the night.

“What do you say we get out of here? We can go for a walk on the beach. That always seems to clear my mind,” Sheldon says pulling me from my thoughts after dessert.

“Sure, that sounds nice.”

* * *


I tighten my hands on my knife and fork as Reminisce and her date leave. She looks gorgeous as always. That tight black dress shows off all her assets.

I’m tempted to go after her and shove that guy to the side. He looks like a stiff ass. He’s not her type. I could see in her eyes that if I beckoned her to me, her date would have been over.

“I’m so glad you called me. I thought we hit it off at the party. I was hoping to hear from you sooner,” my date says, pulling my attention.

Harper. I have to remind myself again that her name is Harper. She’s a pretty woman, but she’s no Rem. She lacks that confidence and all-around essence my girl has.

“I’ve been busy,” I lie.

Truth is, I only called her and asked her out because I overheard Saga talking to Reminisce about dating the two guys her father introduced her to at the party. I wanted to tear my brother’s home up. The only thing that stopped me was my nephew in my arms.

I’ve always gotten pissed when Rem dated on our breaks. I hide it well but that shit grits my fucking nerves. I’ve never given it much thought before. Shoving it down as I reminded myself we weren’t exclusive.

However, in the last two years, she hasn’t dated or at least she hasn’t slept with anyone outside of me. I know this because of our honesty policy. The thought of her leaving with that guy and letting him touch her has me seeing red.

“This is a really nice place. I’ve always wanted to come here,” Harper says.

“Yeah, not my kind of place, but it’s nice.”

She releases this annoying giggle. “You’re the total opposite of what I imagined. I mean, you come from a wealthy family, but you’re nothing like my friends or the guys I’ve dated.”

“Money shouldn’t make a man. Character does that.”

“But it’s good to see you still enjoy the finer things. Your car is amazing. You’re able to get into places like this. I’d say you’re well balanced.”

She has to be shitting me. What I’m really hearing is that she’s fishing for a wealthy husband and I’m a viable candidate. Not interested in the slightest.

“Actually, the car isn’t my thing. It was a gift. I would have rather gone for a burger and beers than come to this place. And I don’t waste money on things that don’t matter to me.”