“Your father has shared a lot about you. I feel like I know you already,” Derrick says.
“Don’t believe a word he says.”
“I have a hard time believing that you’re single. He has to be lying about that,” Sheldon says with a wicked smile of his own.
That’s what that smile says. Yeah, Derrick is sexy as fuck, but he gives off a vibe of something dangerous. I know that vibe. I’d put money on him being ex-law enforcement.
Again, Knight’s voice and laughter float my way. I glance over and glare at him as the woman he’s talking to places her hand on his chest. He doesn’t even bother to remove it.
“Well, that part is true,” I chirp to Sheldon.
“In that case, it’s very, very nice to meet you,” he says smoothly.
Oh, well, this white boy has some swag. I like it.
“Your father says you were a Department of Justice Honors Attorney before switching to IP law. That’s a big change,” Derrick says and lifts a brow.
“This is also true, but that was another time, another life.”
“I’d like to hear more about you.”
“Counselman, are you asking me out?” I tease as my irritation with Knight grows. It’s irrational. I know, but I’m beyond pissed.
“I believe I am.”
Sheldon moves to my side and leans to whisper in my ear. “You can go on a date with him, but it’s just a waste of time. I’m the man you need in your life.”
And with that, he walks off. I look after him with a grin on my lips. Interesting.
“You have excellent taste in wine,” I say as I place my glass back down on the table.
Sheldon grins back at me as he takes a sip of his own. This is our second date. I did go out with Derrick, but I’m leaving my options open.
“Thank you. I thought you would like this one. Tell me, how was your day?”
I smile back at him as I search his face. I’ve been looking for holes. Something to turn me off to him. His looks will not be it.
Sheldon has to be six two, with light brown, almost hazel eyes and jet-black hair. His tanned skin compliments his handsome face. Although his lips are not as full as Knight’s and his body doesn’t seem to be as toned from what I can see.
Ugh, stop that.
I’ve compared Derrick and Sheldon to Knight a million times. I’ve been trying to push Knight from my mind, but I can’t. He hasn’t called or shown up at my office. I know I told him we needed to take a break, but he just stopped all contact.
“My day was interesting.” I chuckle to myself.
Between crazy clients and my sister calling to grill me about my dates, I had no shortage of entertainment today. My laughter stops when I remember hearing Knight and his brothers in the background during the call. I wanted to ask questions, but it was better to ignore them.
“What was that about?” Sheldon tilts his head to the side, observing me closely.