“You took a bullet for me. It was the least I could do. I felt so silly for it after.”
I reach for her face and turn her head so I can kiss her lips. “You were still adorable and so fucking sexy. Best donuts I’ve ever had in my life.”
I take her full lips and deliver a searing kiss. Once again, I’m glad I went with the private cave. I want to make love to my woman and show her how amazing she is.
Family Gathering
“Answer the question,” Knight says as he draws me into his arms and looks down into my eyes.
He doesn’t let me avoid his gaze as I try to look away and around his bedroom. He dips his head to follow mine until I give him my full attention.
I look into those blue eyes and can’t stop my heart from skipping a beat. It’s happened again. I’ve been sucked into all things Knight.
However, it’s been different. He hasn’t had to run out in the middle of the night. There hasn’t been an undercover assignment. Yet, there are the calls with Harris. Those are scaring me.
He says he’s on medical leave, but there’s something more going on there. He works out regularly and I’ve seen him push to the limit. A medical leave is also hard to believe since we fuck like bunnies and he hasn’t once looked worse for the wear.
Knight has been just as aggressive as ever, maybe more so, possessively so. I can’t see why he would be on a leave. Unless that wound leads to something he’s not telling me about.
“We’re not going together because our families don’t know we’re … that we’re spending time together,” I reply.
“And why are we hiding this fact?” he says with a frown.
I knew this fight would come back around. I barely got out of it the last time. I’m not too sure he’s going to let it slide this time.
“Knight.” I sigh.
He cups the sides of my face and pecks my lips once, twice, a third time. A shiver moves through me. I fight not to comb my fingers through his hair and pull him in for a full kiss.
“We should tell them.”
I shake my head before he gets the words out. “Maybe we should take a step back.”
A shadow clouds his beautiful features. This will be the fastest I’ve ever called it off, but maybe that’s for the best. It’s been a month since that night in the elevator.
We’ve been seeing a lot of each other. When I’m not working at home, Knight comes to my office to pick me up from work without fail. I spend more time at his place than I do mine.
“Rem,” he says in a warning tone.
“No, it’s for the best.”
“Come on, things?—”
He’s cut off by his ringing phone. Once again, that phone is coming to my rescue. I suck in a breath, grateful for the interruption.
Although I felt this coming, I don’t want to have this talk before this party. My mother has been so excited about this get-together. She’ll get to show off her grandbabies.
A pang hits my chest. I wish I had a family that my mother could show off. There’s that clock ticking in the background, telling me I’m running out of time.
Which means I need to make a decision about what I’m doing here. I watch Knight as he talks on his phone and runs a hand through his hair. He checks so many boxes except for the most important one.
I know what I want in a man. That can never be Knight. Yet he keeps drawing me in.
“No, I’ll take care of it. I’ll pick it up on my way,” he says into the phone.