Here I am doing it again. Lost in a man who’s not right for me. I’m only hurting us both. I know we can’t be more.
I turn for my purse and head out while he can’t stop me. His voice is rushed as he tries to end his call and come after me, but my mind is made up. I’m doing the right thing.
* * *
“What’s crawled up your butt?” Lord asks as he takes a seat beside me.
“Nothing,” I mutter and take a sip of my beer.
“Right.” He snorts. He follows my line of sight and snorts again. “What’s that about? You’ve had a thing for her for years. What? She turn you down?”
“Not in the mood.”
I’m in a shit mood. I have been since I watched Rem walk out on me. My blood has been boiling.
I want to choke Prince. He promised Bishop he would pick up the gift he and Saga had custom made for our parents, but some shit came up last minute. Both our and Saga and Reminisce’s moms love throwing parties for this or that.
This is one of those non-special occasions, but Bishop and Saga wanted Mrs. Walden and Mom to have the lockets with the twins’ photos. Bishop’s ass was on my phone pleading with me, while Saga was in the background freaking out.
I was the closest to the jewelry shop. I had to rush to pick them up before the place closed. I got there but at the cost of Rem getting away from me.
“I see that look. You’re about to do something crazy or stupid. Maybe both. Don’t, not today,” Lord warns in that big brother way.
I clench my fist on top of the table. I should be over there standing with her. She looks stunning in that sky blue dress. The thin straps and deep V-neck show off her deep brown skin. Her legs look like they belong wrapped around me.
It was a fight not to coax her back into bed earlier after she put those heels and that dress on. I put on a white dress shirt and a light blue tie to match her. I thought it would be cool for us to match.
That’s how it started or should I say ended. Maybe we should take a step back. I hate it when she says that. Although, in the past, I’ve been willing to go along because I understood. It made sense. Not so much anymore, the lines have blurred.
I tear my eyes away from her to look down at the tablecloth. She’s slipping through my fingers again. Like the rarest sand, refusing to be bottled away.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I reply to my brother.
“I know you as well as I know my twin. She’s the one you were telling me about. Have you told her how you feel?”
“Why not?”
“If you know it’s her then you know why she’s so afraid to be with me.”
“Yeah, but I’ve seen the way she looks at you too. When she’s lost in thought it shows on her face. I know you can’t tell us what happened with your last case, but something is different,” he says.
“Lord,” I say tightly.
“No, hear me out. You care about this woman. You guys have been back and forth for what?
“Like four years or something. Maybe it’s time to place your cards on the table. I’ve never seen you hide from anything. It shouldn’t be any different with her if she’s what you want.”
I think on his words. He’s right. “In the beginning, I was okay with it. I was still making my way up. I got the promotion right after her case.
“Somewhere along the line things changed. Now, I’ve let her push me away so many times it’s automatic. She’s trying to do it again, and this time it feels so fucking wrong,” I admit.
“I’m going to give you some advice, little brother. Sometimes, you have to let them go. If she can see what she wants walking away, you’re no longer chasing. That will get her attention faster than you waiting in the wings.”
I snort, but he may have a point. I’m always putting the pressure on Reminisce. Maybe it is time I let her see what’s out there is nothing like what she has with me.