Page 18 of Tease Me

I spent about an hour at the clubhouse with Zoey and the twins. They’re so fucking adorable. They named them Blake and Cameron. I got to hold them and I could only stare down at them with awe. The boys truly are identical and I have no clue how they’re going to tell them apart as they get older. At least until the boys start deciding how they want to dress and figure out what their style is. Though, I can definitely see them pulling that whole twin switch thing when they get older. I don’t envy Zoey and Savage at all. They’re gonna have their hands full.

It was good to sit with the girls again and talk without thinking about Martin and his next move. They made me forget all about him for the hour I was there. However, I don’t want to leave Kelsey and Gideon at the house for too long on their own. So, after promising that I’d talk to Kelsey about coming to the clubhouse for dinner tonight, I leave. Hawk is still working and I don’t want to bother him, so I just walk out the back door and head for the house.

I’m about halfway back to the house when a sudden feeling of fear and dread fill me. I start to run toward the house instead of walking as I normally do. My eyes are peeled for any sign of Martin as the house comes into view. I don’t see him, and I’m not seeing Jay either. Everything is telling me to call out for Jay, but I know better than to do that. If Martin is still here, then I’ll alert him to Jay’s presence and that’s the last thing I want to do. I’m not sure how Martin would even get onto the compound, but I’m sure he can find a way to get it done if he’s dead set on getting my sister and nephew back.

Before getting too close to the house, I start to walk once again. I don’t want anyone to hear me and I’m definitely not a runner as I pant from the exertion. Trying to suck in the much-needed air, I slow my steps even more. Instead of going through the front door of the house, I make my way carefully around the side and straight for the back door. Hesitating at the corner of the house, I duck my head around the corner to make sure no one’s there. I don’t see anyone, but the back door is wide open. It takes every ounce of strength I have to push down the fear and panic filling me. Jay is nowhere around and the door of the house is open. Hawk did set the alarm when we left, but it’s not going off. If he had been alerted, Hawk and whoever’s at the clubhouse would be here already.

I slowly inch my way over to the door and look in. The sight that greets me causes me to let out a loud, ragged sob. There’s definitely been a struggle in the house. The dining room table has been turned over, all the chairs are tossed all over, at least two of the chairs have been busted into nothing more than splinters. Everything that was on the counter is now on the floor. There’s glass that’s been shattered from somewhere littering the floor.

“Kelsey!” I call out, my voice echoing in the silent house. “Kelsey, where are you?”

Nothing. There’s no sound or movement from in here.

“Baby G! Are you here, buddy. It’s Aunt Kendell,” I call out, knowing my sister would tell her son to hide in her attempt to protect him the only way she can.

I start moving through the house, taking in all of the destruction. There isn’t a single room of the house that I’m walking through without some sort of evidence of a fight going on. I pull out the phone Hawk just gave me back so I can call him while moving through the house in my attempt to find my sister and Gideon. I continue calling out for them when a thought hits me. I rush toward Hawk’s bedroom. He’s got a huge closet and there’s a small section that’s just big enough for Gideon to hide in. I saw it one day last week and mentioned it to Kelsey when the weight of Martin’s call had been weighing on me.

“What’s goin’ on, Sparky?” Hawk answers his phone as I enter the closet and head straight for the little spot I’m hoping Gideon’s in.

“Get to the house, Hawk. Please. I need you at the house. Something happened and I don’t know if Kelsey and Gideon are still here. There was a struggle and the back door was left wide open. Please, get here,” I tell him, getting down on my hands and knees and moving a few things out of the way to see if my nephew is in here. “Oh, thank God! Gideon, it’s alright baby. I’m here. Come out to me, buddy.”

“Mama,” he cries, his voice breaking with the fear filling his little body.

Gideon slowly crawls out to me and I wrap him in my arms. He wraps his arms and legs around me the best he can as I stand up. I don’t let go of my nephew as I hold him tight to my body and try to calm him down the best I can.

“Kendell, I’m on my way. You’ve got Gideon?” Hawk questions me, movement and commotion coming from his end of the line.

“I’ve got him. He hid in your closet in that spot I told you would be perfect for him if anything were to happen. Kelsey must have shown it to him after I showed her,” I tell him, trying to calm myself down so I don’t make Gideon panic even more than he already is.

“Good, baby. We’re on our way. I want you to go out the front door and head straight for the gazebo. Stay in there with Gideon until I come get you. We’re not gonna hang up. Keep your eyes open and if you see anythin’, tell me immediately. I’m almost there, Sparky,” Hawk tells me, fear filling his own voice as I hear him running.

Leaving the house with Gideon still in my arms, I shield his face from the mess in the house. He doesn’t need to see this shit. The second we’re outside, I head for the gazebo and take a seat on the bench that I usually sit on when I come out here. Gideon doesn’t attempt to get off my lap or unwrap his arms from around my neck. I rub my hand up and down his back while waiting for any news from Hawk. I can hear muffled conversations going on from his end of the call and the sound of multiple guys walking over broken glass and cursing with every room they enter.

Not only is my sister missing, but Jay is too. I’m worried about him as much as my sister because he was innocent in this entire situation. If Martin hurt him, I’ll be the first one in line to kick his fucking ass. It’s bad enough that he's beaten my sister and hurt her so much over the years. Now he’s bringing other people into this simply because they want to help keep Kelsey safe. I’m so sick of Martin’s shit and the way he feels he can walk all over everyone else around him. I hope Hawk and the guys rip him apart and leave nothing to be found. After I get in my hits though.

“Sparky, I’m here,” Hawk says, finally hanging up the phone and sliding it back in his pocket. “There’s no sign of your sister in there. I’m so sorry.”

“What about Jay? Did you find him?” I ask, trying to keep the tears in check because I have Gideon and he doesn’t need to see me breaking down right now.

“We found him. He’s been knocked out so the guys are takin’ him to see Doc right now. Doc has a room here in the clubhouse and is on his way. Come on, Cash and I will walk you to the clubhouse. Neither of you are goin’ back in the house until we can get it cleaned up and have a chance to look around more for clues,” he says, helping me stand from the bench with Gideon in my arms.

Hawk wraps an arm around me and leads us from the gazebo. Cash steps up on the other side of me and we head for the clubhouse. Both men are constantly looking around our surroundings as we make the walk there. About halfway to the clubhouse, a few more guys show up and surround us so no one can get to us. No one speaks at all as we finally reach the back of the clubhouse and Hawk leads me inside and straight to his room. He closes us away from the rest of the club and takes Gideon from me so I can finally break down. While he has my nephew, I go in the bathroom and close the door behind me. Now, I can break and let myself shatter because I let Kelsey and Gideon down. I wasn’t there when they needed me the most and now my sister is the one paying for that.

Chapter Twelve


REAPER HAS SENT everyone out searching for any sign of Martin and Kelsey. I’m at the clubhouse in my room going through every piece of fucking information I’ve gotten on the fucker. Right now, the guys know what kind of car to search for because I’ve sent them the information of his car, the plate number, and everything else they’ll need to find the correct one. Cash is on the phone with me as he rides the streets with Titan and letting me hear everything they’re doing. I’m trying so hard not to freak out because it’s the last thing I need to be doing at this moment. For the first time I’m starting to understand how the other guys feel when their ol’ lady is taken from them. Kelsey might not be my woman, but she’s Kendell’s sister and that makes her important to me. We almost lost her and Gideon in the hour my girl was here at the clubhouse. I know it’s fucking weighing heavily on her, but I’m glad she wasn’t at the house when Martin showed up. Call me a heartless fucker, I really don’t care.

I’m currently looking for any property that’s in Martin’s name. Or his father’s name. The main thing I’ve discovered since looking into Martin is that their family are fucking demented. They don’t let women own anything. There isn’t a single piece of property, vehicle, or anything else in a woman’s name in their family. It must have really gotten to Martin knowing Kelsey is the one who owns the house they lived in. She bought it herself and didn’t need a damn thing from him in order to provide herself a house she could turn into a home. I’m sure his father rode his ass hard about that shit too. Martin’s father is a special kind of fucked up from what I can find on him so far. Almost as bad as the stupid fucker Kelsey has had to deal with for years. I guess this is one instance where the student surpassed the teacher because Martin has been arrested and had charges brought up against him by women more than his father ever did.

Putting the names into the database I use for certain searches, I wait for it to work its magic so I can find anything I haven’t already found in Martin’s name. In my searches so far, I haven’t come across any property listings in his name. That doesn’t mean none exist though. It could simply be that I haven’t dug deep enough yet. So, I do a deeper search so I can try to find any location he might take Kelsey to so we can get her back where she belongs—with her family at the compound. I feel like I’ve failed them as I work and try to push those thoughts to the back of my mind. Kelsey was taken from my house and Jay was hurt because we came to the clubhouse. If I had been there, I would’ve done everything in my power to make sure Martin didn’t get close to the house. Instead, I came here with Kendell and didn’t really think Martin would have a way onto the compound. I’ll never make a mistake like that again.

A pinging comes from my computer and I pull myself from my thoughts to find a connection I’ve been looking for since Greg started acting funny. Printing out the information I just found, I race from my room and go in search of Reaper. He’s in the common room with his phone to his ear.

“Reaper!” I call out from the end of the hallway as I make my way to him, ignoring everyone else in the common room.

“What’s goin’ on, Hawk?” he asks, hanging up the call he was on and turning his full attention toward me.