“Remember I told you how funny Greg was actin’?” I question him, my voice a whisper with everyone in the common room.
“Yeah. Did you find somethin’?”
I don’t say a word, but hand over the paper I printed out. Reaper reads through it as Rebel hands me a bottle of water. She knows I don’t drink when I’m working. Giving her a nod, I take the lid off and down half the bottle at one time.
“Fuckin’ shit! You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me with this shit. No wonder that fucker has information he wouldn’t have any other way. Everythin’ makes fuckin’ sense now,” Reaper states, slamming his hand on the top of the bar.
“Yeah. I’m gonna run his name and see what else I can dig up on the fucker. Do you know where he is?” I question my President, wanting to get my hands on the little fucker without waiting for everyone else to get back here.
“No. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen him since yesterday or the day before,” Reaper answers me, anger filling his face at the realization that we’ve been deceived by a fucking Prospect in one of the worst possible ways.
I have no doubt Greg will get what’s coming to him one way or the other. My only hope is that I’m there and I’m the one dishing out the punishment because he will see how horrible and vicious I can truly be when you come after someone I love and care about. We all have a dark side, one we only let out to play when it’s absolutely necessary. Compared to most of my brothers, it takes a lot for me to find a reason to let my dark side out to play. Greg has managed to push every fucking button I have and the monster in me is clawing to get out and play. All in good time. I will let every single piece of information I’ve found over the last several weeks sink in my mind and use that when the time comes to make an example of Greg. He has no clue about the hell he’s about to face and I can’t wait for him to find out.
“I got Cash on the phone back in my room. I’ll let him know to keep an eye out for Greg too. Ask him if him or Titan have seen him in the last few days,” I let Reaper know before turning and heading back to my room.
“I’ll keep an eye on Kendell and the boy if they come down here. Alex just checked on them and said they were in your bed sleepin’ right now,” Reaper says before I can disappear.
I nod in appreciation and continue on my way. Getting back in my room, I take a seat at my desk and try to get my breathing under control again. When I’m as calm as I know I’m gonna get, I unmute my phone so I can talk to Cash.
“Cash, got information for ya,” I tell him, going into what I’ve discovered about Greg.
“Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me? That little fuckin’ weasel. We’ll keep an eye out for him when we’re ridin’ lookin’ for Kelsey and Martin. Have you found an address or anythin’ for him?” Cash asks me, his voice hard and cold.
“Not yet. I’ve got the programs runnin’ and waitin’ for anythin’ to pop up. I’m gonna start searchin’ the security footage when they’re runnin’. The second I spot anythin’ I’ll let you know. I’m gonna mute the phone again on my end so you’re not hearin’ all the shit,” I tell my best friend as I tap the button so I can hear him but he can’t hear anything from my end.
I’ve been in my room for hours without taking a break for any reason. There are so many programs running in search of any piece of information I’ve been missing and have yet to discover. Every single second of the security footage from the clubhouse has been gone through. It took me hours just to get through the footage, but I did it because this is important and could lead to something we’re missing that will help get Kelsey back. Before I can call Reaper to let him know what I’ve found on the security footage, there’s a soft tap on my door and I already know it’s my Sparky.
“Come in,” I call out, turning away from the computers so I can make sure she’s okay.
Kendell comes in the room and closes the door softly behind her. There are tear stains on her face and her eyes are red and swollen. My heart breaks for her because I’m doing everything in my power to find her sister and nothing is working. At least not so far. Opening my arms, I don’t get out of my chair. Kendell doesn’t hesitate to walk over to me and climb in my lap. I wrap my arms tightly around her and hold her close. She starts crying into my chest as I put a hand on the back of her head and start rubbing my other one up and down her back.
“Where’s Gideon, Sparky?” I ask her, needing to know where he is because he’s our responsibility now.
“He’s out with Reaper, Alex, and Zoey. I wanted to come see you and Reaper said it would be okay. I’m sorry if I’m disturbing you,” she says, her voice a broken whisper as she keeps her head buried in my chest.
“You can come to me anytime you need me, Sparky. I don’t give a fuck what I’m doin’. The only time I’ll say no is when I’m in church. No one’s allowed in there who isn’t a full patch member. But I’ll come to you the very second I’m done with church. Other than that, I’m always here for you,” I promise her, turning my chair back around so we’re facing the computer monitors.
“What’s all this?” she asks, needing a distraction from all the negative thoughts going through her mind.
“This is what I do for the club, baby. I’m a wizard when it comes to computers and findin’ shit no one else can. Not all of what I do is legal, but I get what we need on everyone. You can’t hide shit online from me,” I tell her just a little bit about what I do without going into detail. The less Kendell knows, the better it will be.
“And right now you’re searching for things dealing with Martin?”
“Yeah. Do you know of any properties in his name or anythin’ like that?” I ask her, not sure how much she truly knows about her brother-in-law.
“No. In fact, that was always a source of contention between Kelsey and him. He couldn’t ever stand the fact that the house was in her name and she refused to switch it over to his. Accordin’ to him, the house shouldn’t be owned by a woman. They aren’t allowed to have anythin’ in their name. It’s one of the reasons she didn’t have a car of her own. Martin made her sell it because he wouldn’t leave her alone about it,” she tells me, her voice wavering as she thinks about the shit her sister has been through.
“Okay, Sparky. I kind of got that idea because there isn’t a damn thing in Martin’s mother’s name. Everythin’ the parents own is in the father’s name. All the vehicles, the properties, and a few other things they got,” I tell her because this shit affects her and her sister’s lives. “These guys are a bunch of pussies and use the women in their lives as punchin’ bags. Yeah, his mother has been abused for years and she refuses to get away from him. She’s been hospitalized multiple times and admitted more than once over the years.”
“I never could stand that entire family. Even the mother. I get that she doesn’t want to stir waves and get her ass beaten again, but she never once stepped up to protect Kelsey. Claimed to love her and all that shit, but that’s not love. Love is stepping the fuck in and protecting her. It’s making sure Martin doesn’t put his hands on her. Everything I’ve been doing since I first started suspecting her was hurting her,” she states, her tone so hard as she talks about Kelsey’s mother-in-law and I agree with where she’s coming from.
“We’ll get her back, Sparky. When we do, we’ll make sure Martin pays for his crimes against her. If I can make anythin’ stick with the father, I’ll ensure he pays for the shit as well. While I have no doubt that Martin is just a piece of shit, it’s also because his father showed him to be that way his entire life. I already know he’s never paid for a single crime he’s committed over the years and the women who’s tried to get restrainin’ orders against him have always backed off and pulled out before they were even granted the orders,” I tell her, pressing a few buttons on my keyboard when one of the programs lets me know it’s pulled something up.
Kendell doesn’t say a word as I look over the information on Greg and everything he owns. With the newest pieces of information I found on Greg, there’s no way in hell I’m about to let anything about this fucker slide. It seems Greg has several properties in his name. Some of them are close to Clinton City while others are spread further out from us. Most of them are in the country and the deeds are showing me that only one of them actually has a house on it. The rest are simply pieces of land he’s done nothing with.
I make a note of the properties listed as another ping comes through. This time it’s about land Martin has in his name. Pulling up the program, I see that the fucker actually has three properties in his name. One in his hometown, one close to Clinton City, and another one that’s a vacant lot where warehouses used to sit. The deeds show he’s owned these properties for several years and no one knows about them. Not even his father. Though, I do find a cross reference to one of the women who tried to get a restraining order against him. It’s for the property where the warehouses used to be located. It seems there was a fire there after she went to the police. Seems really fucking suspicious to me.
“I gotta go talk to Reaper, Sparky. Why don’t you try to eat somethin’?” I ask her, knowing she’s more than likely not eaten anything since this morning.