“I don’t know. I don’t want a relationship and she admitted to never bein’ in one. I don’t think she wants to be in one either,” I answer him, finally pulling my attention away from Kendell and looking at Cash.
“Who says you have to put a label on things right now? Let things happen as they happen and go from there. If you have sex and want more, fuckin’ have. If it ends up bein’ a one and done, that’s okay too. If you don’t take that chance, you might miss out on the best fuckin’ thing in your life. I should know,” he says and I know exactly where his mind has drifted to. It’s not my story to tell though.
“We’ll see what happens,” I grumble, not committing to anything as I feel Kendell’s eyes on me from her seat.
“You both look at one another the same way. Both of you are half in love already and fightin’ that shit harder than hell. I’ve never known you to beat around the bush, Hawk. Don’t fuckin’ start now because this girl makes you feel shit you haven’t felt before. Take the fuckin’ chance and see what happens,” Cash says before getting out of his chair and leaving me alone to ponder his words while putting my attention back on Kendell.
The cookout has been going on for a few hours now. We’ve all eaten our fill of food and the kids are sleeping on a large blanket over by the ol’ ladies. I’m surrounded by my brothers as we talk and laugh but my eyes never stray far from Kendell where she remains with the ol’ ladies. Most of the guys have made their way over to their group and I’ve watched her get introduced to them all. Most of them have flirted with her and made her blush. That shit pisses me off. None of these guys should be flirting with her at all. The worst one was Eagle. My own fucking brother. The entire time he was talking to her, he kept his eyes on me and a smirk covering his face. Yeah, he knew exactly what the fuck he was doing. Asshole!
“Savage!” Reagan suddenly calls out as the ol’ ladies all jump out of their chairs and surround Zoey. “Zoey’s water just broke. Get the fucking truck back here.”
Savage drops his bottle of water to the ground at his feet and races around the side of the clubhouse. In seconds, he’s back in his truck and heading straight for his woman. We all move closer as Trax races over to help him get Zoey loaded in the back of the truck with Savage while Trax and Reagan jump in the front seat. Alex and Kendell remain with the kids as Trax takes off. The rest of us all run around the clubhouse and jump on our bikes to follow them to the hospital. I want to bring Kendell with me, but I don’t have time to argue with her about going. She’ll tell me she doesn’t belong and all that shit. So, I leave her behind and head out with my brothers.
It doesn’t take us long to catch up to the truck. We surround it while racing through town. Titan is ahead of us all, making sure no one gets in the way of us. I remain at the back of the truck so I can pull over if a cop gets involved. There’s no reason for all of us to stop when I can let the cop know what’s going on and that we do have a reason to be speeding through town. Finally, we get to the hospital without incident. Titan already has a small group of staff outside with a gurney. They walk right up to the truck as Savage gets his woman out and lays her gently on the gurney before they all rush inside.
The rest of us park our bikes and Trax moves the truck before we all head inside and up to the maternity ward. I really hate being here, but I’m not going to remain at the clubhouse when I can be here supporting a brother and his ol’ lady as they welcome the newest member of our family. So, we all show up and will remain here for as long as it takes. Cash and I take seats with everyone else in the waiting room. We get more than a few looks from everyone here waiting for their family members to have their babies. Most of the women, old and young, eye us with appreciation while the guys are weary with so many of us sitting in here at one time. I want to stand up and yell that we’re just here to wait for news of our family, but I don’t. There’s no reason to cause a scene like that. So, I keep my eyes straight ahead and wait with everyone else.
“They’re takin’ Zoey back for one of those cesarean sections. One of the babies is in distress and they don’t want to wait to see if they can get things turned around. Savage is goin’ back with her and Reagan will be out the second they move Zoey,” Trax informs us after a few minutes as he walks over to take a seat in front of the rest of our group.
“I hope everythin’ is okay,” I mutter as Cash nods his head in response.
We all sit down and wait as Reagan finally enters the waiting room and lets us know they just went to the operating room and Savage will give us an update as soon as they have one. None of us know what they’re having and it’s because neither one of them wanted to find out the gender of the twins. So, we support that and will wait until they’re born before finding out what they have.
Trax pulls Reagan into his arms and holds her while we continue to wait. It feels as if hours pass before Savage walks out to the waiting room and stands still for a few minutes. His face is pale and he’s shaking from head to toe. Reagan jumps out of her seat and makes her way over to her twin. She wraps him in her arms and they talk quietly for a minute before Savage looks up at the rest of us.
“We’re the proud parents of two healthy baby boys. They’re actually late in terms of twins and Dr. Morris was already plannin’ on inducin’ her in the next day or two if Zoey didn’t go into labor on her own. My girl is doin’ good too. She’s very sleepy though. Zoey is still down in recovery and they’ve got the boys in the nursery to clean them and do whatever else they have to do. I’m headin’ there now to keep an eye on them. Zoey will be up soon, but she’ll be pretty out of it. They don’t want too many visitors in with her today. Tomorrow you guys can all come back and meet the babies and check on Zoey,” Savage informs us as he lets a large smile cover his face.
We all start cheering at the good news. Surrounding Savage, we quickly give him hugs before he disappears to the nursery where his boys are. I can tell he’s torn between being with them and Zoey. It’s a hard pill to swallow knowing no matter what you do, someone you love will be on their own. But, I know Reagan isn’t going anywhere and she’ll be in the room with Zoey the second she’s brought back.
“I’m gonna head out,” Cash says as we go to move around the waiting room.
“I’ll go with you. There’s no reason to hang out now that we know they’re all okay and safe. Tank and Maddie will show up before too long with the triplets, Slim, and Playboy. I guarantee her entire family from the Wild Kings and Phantom Bastards will soon be in town. We should probably get the extra rooms and apartments ready for them to stay in,” I tell him as Reaper steps in behind us.
“I’m already on it. Alex and Kendell are gettin’ all that shit organized. Right now they’re cleanin’ up from the cookout with the Prospects and Fallen girls helpin’ them. The second everythin’ is put away, they’ll get started on makin’ sure the rooms are ready. Though, I have a feelin’ Tank and Maddie will be stayin’ with Savage and Zoey up at the house to help them with the boys. So, the rest of us will make sure we got everythin’ ready and hang out before comin’ back up tomorrow to meet the newest members of our family,” our President states as most of us make our way down to the first floor and out of the hospital so we can get back to the compound.
I was planning on going home when we got back, but now I know I’ll be at the clubhouse if that’s where Kendell is. I want to make sure she’s okay and doesn’t get scared by anyone there. She’s not here for guys or sex and it’s only right that I make sure all the guys understand that shit instead of trying to take her to bed and treating her like one of the Fallen girls. I’ll gut a fucker for pulling that shit with Kendell. Fuck them all for thinking she’s available to them in any capacity.
Chapter Five
WATCHING THE CLUB rally around Zoey when she went into labor at the cookout was truly an amazing sight to witness. Every single member and ol’ lady was there to support Savage and her as they rushed her off to the hospital. When they all left, I was shocked to see Alex had remained behind and was starting to clean everything up as the kids slept on the blanket. I quickly got up to help her clean and keep an eye on the kids. There was no way in hell I was going to let her clean up this gigantic mess all on her own when they were kind enough to invite me to attend their event. So, we worked together and it wasn’t long before the Prospects and Fallen girls came out to help us take care of everything. Alex made sure they all got something to eat before cleaning though. She wouldn’t let a single one of them lift a finger until they had eaten their fill and had something to drink. Every single one of them listened to her and referred to her on more than one occasion.
I’d learned that the Fallen girls were in the clubhouse for the single men. They cleaned up around the clubhouse, helped cook, prepare for lockdowns and other things like that. When they weren’t working, they were free to have sex with the men or just hang out and drink or whatever else they did. I even saw the girl Hawk had sex with in the gazebo. Legs kept glaring at me the entire time we were cleaning and I have no clue why. I don’t know her, haven’t said one word to her, and I haven’t touched any of the men in the club. Alex explained to me how territorial these girls can get. Especially with three of the men no longer available to them. Apparently Trax and Savage were among the favorites and the girls miss them. Well, they can have all the men because that’s not why I’m here.
After we’d been cleaning for a while, Alex got a call and took it while I made my way over to the kids as one of the little girls started to wake up. I kept her entertained until Alex made her way back over to us and looked down at me with a smile on her face.
“Zoey and the babies are doing good. She had two little boys and they are perfect. At least that’s what Savage told everyone. Zoey had to have an emergency cesarean section and came through it really good. Everyone is heading back here now because she’s gonna be sleepy and the two of them need time to bond with the boys. Her family will be showing up here soon too. We’re gonna have members from two more clubs added into the mix,” Alex informs me as I hand her daughter over to her and go back to cleaning up.
“I’m really glad that they’re all doing good. If you need help, I can lend a hand. It’s not like I have anything to do at the house. I make sure to clean it daily and that’s already been done today. So, put me to work doing whatever you need help with,” I tell her, not wanting her to do all this stuff alone as everyone else walks around picking up the rest of the stuff outside.
“Thank you, Kendell. Can I ask you a question?” she asks suddenly as she sits down at the picnic table.
“Yeah. Like I told Zoey earlier, you can ask, but I might not answer,” I tell her honestly, not wanting to get into my personal life because there’s really no point in getting to know these men and women too much. It will only hurt more when I leave once my sister and Gideon are ready to move on and start living their lives.
“What’s going on with you and Hawk?” Alex questions me, looking down at her daughter as I grab a garbage bag and finish clearing away all the plates, silverware, and cups from the top of the table.
“Oh, nothing. He was just one of the guys who came to my sister’s house when I called to get her help. While the rest of the guys were doing what they had to do, he got my nephew, Gideon, away from the kitchen where he’d been standing. He witnessed the entire beating happen with silent tears rolling down his face. Hawk is the first man my nephew has ever willingly gone to,” I tell her honestly as I avoid looking at her because I can’t deny there’s some kind of attraction I have when it comes to Hawk.