Page 5 of Tease Me

“Okay. I’ll go to the cookout. Should I bring anything with me?”

“Just yourself, Kendell. The ol’ ladies are back at the clubhouse with the Fallen girls right now cooking and getting everything else ready,” Zoey answers as she rubs her lower back the best she can before getting up when another biker approaches our table. “Kendell, this is my man Savage. Savage, this is Kendell. She’s Kelsey’s sister and living on the compound.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” I say, taking in the couple as Savage wraps his arms protectively around Zoey and holds her close while placing a hand on her stomach.

“It’s nice to meet you, too,” he responds, bending down to kiss Zoey as I turn away from the scene.

“I’ll be around here for when you’re ready to head out,” Hawk says, laughter filling his voice as I get up and make my way over to my sister and nephew. Hawk’s eyes are on me the entire time, sending heat through my body as I try my hardest not to look back at him.

I spend a few hours with my sister and Gideon. We talk, walk around the backyard, watch Gideon play, and just take in the fresh air. Kelsey opens up to me a little about everything Martin did to her over the years and I can see the burden of her secrets lifting from her shoulders the more she speaks. My baby sister has kept all of this shit bottled up for so long and it only added to the abuse she was suffering at Martin’s hands. She apologizes again for being stuck in her head for three weeks and not coming out of her room or doing anything with her son. Before I leave, she promises me that she’s getting better and will do everything it takes to work through her pain and heal the damage that’s been done to her. I let her know I’ll be here every step of the way to support her and give her the strength she needs when she’s not strong enough to get through the day. We hug and I give Gideon kisses before I head off in search of Hawk so I can head back to the compound to get ready for the cookout. I’m really nervous about attending it, but I do want to meet everyone in the club. Maybe just not all at once. I guess it’s too late now to back out though.

Chapter Four


HAVING KENDELL WRAPPED around me on the way back to the compound, is once again sweet torture. I’ve never felt the way I do when I’m close to the woman who consumes me every second of the day. Even occupying my dreams when I go to sleep at night. When I’m done doing what I gotta do at the clubhouse or with work, I head home every single night. With everyone at the clubhouse, it didn’t make sense for me to go out to the house I have here on the compound. Not unless I want solitude and to be completely on my own. Now, when I’m at the house, I spend my time watching Kendell at the house and wait for any sign of her to step outside. I don’t fucking know what the hell is going on with me, but something has to give one way or another. I either need to forget all about the sexy, curvy woman or I need to fuck her and get her out of my system.

After dropping Kendell off at her house. I head back to the clubhouse to help finish getting ready for the cookout. It’s a last minute thing and I have a very good idea why the fuck this is happening today. The girls have waited three weeks and haven’t seen a single sighting of Kendell. None of them were in the common room earlier when she came in crying. They want to bring her into their fold and this is the reason for our cookout today. Not that we really need a reason to have a cookout or party. Waking up on a daily basis is reason enough for us to have a party or cookout with our family. No, this is all about Kendell. That’s why Zoey was sent in to ask her to show up.

Alex, Reagan, and Zoey are all amazing women with huge hearts and encompass the meaning of being kind and loving. Zoey just has a certain way about her that’s less brash and hard than anyone else. At least when it comes to meeting new people. Zoey doesn’t let anyone walk all over her, but she’s the one they sent to Kendell because she’ll be able to drag her out of her shell and get her to open up in ways the others can’t. I have a feeling Kendell will fit right in with the ol’ ladies and become a part of the club no matter what happens moving forward. I just can’t let myself think about her in any other way than a woman whose sister we’re helping while giving her a safe place to stay because of the threat against her.

“Where do you need me?” I ask Alex as she rushes out of the kitchen like her ass is on fire.

“Hawk, thank God!” she says, stopping in her tracks and turning to face me.

“We just lost all of the chicken and ribs. The platters they were on fell off the island. Can you run out and get some more? The only thing we got is burgers and hot dogs for the kids left. I don’t know what the hell we’re gonna do,” she asks me, her voice frantic with worry.

“Calm down, Queen. I got you. I’ll be back as soon as I can,” I assure her before grabbing my keys out of my pocket and heading for my truck.

I really hate taking my cage, but there’s no way I can get enough meat for everyone here and bring it back to the clubhouse on my bike. That’s just not feasible. Getting in my truck, I start it up and head away from the compound. Turning the music up louder than necessary, I open all the windows and make my way through town toward the store. They’re used to us going in there on a regular basis and buying a ton of food at once. It took them a while from what I understand, but now no one blinks an eye when we show up and take carts of food and other supplies out of here. I just laugh because no one has a clue how much food we actually go through at the clubhouse on a daily basis. The ol’ ladies have started shopping at one of those stores where you can buy things in bulk and head there more often than not to save money and get more of what we like to keep stocked.

After making the run to the store for Alex, I made it back and now I’m in the yard with a cold beer in hand as the music pumps through the speakers and the air is filled with the savory aroma of the food we’ll be eating today. My mouth is already watering with the thought of filling my plate up and eating all this delicious food that has been made for the day. The ol’ ladies definitely outdid themselves. We’ve got so much meat, salads, chips, salt potatoes, roasted vegetables, fruit, and so many damn desserts. There are three tables loaded down with food of all kinds and that’s not counting the meat that’s still being grilled by Reaper and my dad, Crow.

I’m sitting in a chair on my own as I watch Kendell get introduced to Alex and Reagan. She just got here and Zoey immediately called her over to them before she could turn around and head back home. Yes, that’s exactly what Sparky was gonna do. I could see it written all over her face as she took in the yard. It’s filled with every member of the club, the Prospects are moving around and doing what the ol’ ladies tell them to, while the kids are either with one of their parents or wandering around the yard under the watchful eye of all of us. All three ol’ ladies are off to the side under one of the trees so they’re in the shade.

Reagan pulls up a chair for Kendell to sit in and I keep an eye on them as they talk. It doesn’t take long for Kendell to laugh at something Reagan is telling her. I can only imagine it’s some story about what idiots we all are. Reagan and Zoey have so many stories about Savage and I’m sure they’re sharing all of them. Alex has her own stories about the club and things she’s witnessed us do over the time she’s been here.

“What’s goin’ on, Hawk? I haven’t seen you around lately,” Cash, my best friend asks, taking a seat next to me and drinking his own beer while looking around the yard.

“Not much. Just been workin’ and keepin’ an eye on things,” I answer him without taking my eyes off Kendell.

“Yeah. I see what you’ve been keepin’ an eye on. We all do, Hawk,” Cash states as I finally turn to face him.

“What the hell are you talkin’ about?”

“I’m talkin’ about you headin’ home every night and it just so happens that your house isn’t all that far from the newest woman to move onto the compound. You gonna claim her?” Cash asks me, taking a long pull of his drink as he stretches his legs out in front of him.

“Why does everyone keep fuckin’ askin’ me that shit? I’ve never once said I was ever gonna claim an ol’ lady. You’re at least the second or third person to ask me that shit in the last few weeks,” I bark out, trying to keep my voice low so no one else overhears our conversation. These bikers are worse gossips than the ol’ ladies and Fallen girls.

“We’re askin’ you this shit because we’ve never seen you actin’ this way about a woman. You’re distracted and rushin’ home. I can count on one hand and still have fingers left over the number of times you’ve been to your house since it was finished. Until a few weeks ago that is. Now, you’re there every night. Instead of drinkin’ and partyin’ here, you rush out and don’t talk to anyone. I’m just makin’ sure you’re okay. If you wanna claim the girl, fuckin’ do it,” Cash says, lowering his own voice as Greg makes his way past us and heads inside the clubhouse while looking down at his phone.

Greg’s been on his phone a lot lately. When he’s supposed to be working for the club, I always see him pulling it out and messaging or calling someone. I don’t know what the fuck is going on with him, but it might be time for me to check out who he’s in contact with.

“I don’t know what the fuck is goin’ on with me, Cash. She’s got my fuckin’ head turned around and everythin’ I thought I wanted isn’t good enough anymore. For the first time in my life, I want to get to know a woman and not just how she tastes or sounds when I’m fuckin’ her. I need to know every secret she carries and learn what she wants in life. I want to protect her, love her, and make sure she knows I’ll have her back no matter what’s goin’ on around us.

“She caught me fuckin’ Legs in the gazebo one day and stayed to watch. I went to talk to her later and she has no fuckin’ experience. She said she’s had sex, but I can guarantee it was vanilla and nothin’ like what she deserves. Her father raised her to believe she’s a whore because she’s had sex before she got married. I bet she doesn’t even touch herself. That’s not the kind of woman I’ve ever been interested in and you know it,” I tell my best friend as I take a sip of my beer and continue watching Kendell from across the yard.

“So, what the fuck are you gonna do about it?” Cash questions me as if it’s as simple as that.