“I’m not here for guys, sex, or anything else, Hawk. I’m here because of my sister and nephew. They’re my priorities and that’s how it will always be. I’ve never had a relationship because there’s no point in being with someone who’s only going to cheat, lie, or abuse you. Yes, I know the same can be said of women as well. I’m not an idiot. I will be here as long as it takes for Martin to back off of my sister and her to get on her own two feet. When she moves on from Clinton City, I will too,” I tell Hawk, grabbing my empty cup from the strawberries and my tablet so I can make my way back inside. “I’m all for everyone doing whatever it is that makes them happy, but that will never be me.”
“You never know until you try, Sparky. I’ll be here when you’re ready to test the waters and experiment. I’m not goin’ anywhere,” he says, laughter filling his voice as my steps quicken and I lock myself inside the house where no one can get to me.
My breathing is escalated and I can feel the heat covering my chest, neck, and face. I can hear my heartbeat forcing every other thought away from my ears as I slump against the door. Again, I’ve got that ache in my core that’s just begging for me to do something to make it go away. More images flash in my mind from Hawk’s words. The thought of walking into the clubhouse, where I’ve never been, and seeing people have sex out in the open when they have parties is enough to blow my mind. Like I said, that’s not how I was raised and I wouldn’t even know where to begin if I wanted to explore my sexuality at all. And I’d definitely never go to Hawk to learn anything about sex. He’s clearly not a man who has sex with a girlfriend and I’m sure the woman I saw him with earlier is just one in a very long line of women he’s been with. I’ll never live up to his expectations or requirements in that department. I might have a high school crush on him, but that will easily go away if I don’t leave the house.
With a plan in mind, I push off of the door and make my way over to the kitchen so I can take care of the dishes from dinner. I want to soak in a warm bath and read for a while longer before I climb into bed. Tomorrow I want to be at the warehouses as early as I can get there so I can spend time with my sister and Gideon. I’ll meet with the counselor to find out how their sessions went before I even get to see them. My only hope is that neither one of my remaining family members are hurt even more by what was done today. That will remain my focus moving forward. I can’t afford to think of sexy men or anything else. Kelsey and Gideon will be my entire focus so we can get even farther away from Martin and start our lives over somewhere else.
Chapter Two
IT’S BEEN A week since Kendell watched me have sex in the gazebo with one of the Fallen girls. I really wasn’t expecting her to go out there that early in the day. She’s typically at the warehouse with her sister and nephew. It’s not the first time I’ve had sex in the gazebo. All of us have at one point or another over the years. However, having her watch me and seeing the pure lust on her face made me fuck Legs that much harder. I wasn’t performing for Kendell, but the thought of having her wrapped around me made me lose control. I’ve wanted this woman since the second I heard her on the phone asking for help for her sister and nephew. Seeing her when I got to the house only made me want her that much more. No, she’s not the one going through leaving her husband because he’s an abusive piece of shit, but she’s had her life uprooted all the same and I’m not trying to fuck with her and hurt her because I want to fuck. Kendell doesn’t deserve that shit and I don’t want a relationship so there’s no reason for me to go there.
I know I told her I’d be around if she ever wanted to experiment, but that’s not truly something I can help her with. I’m a one and done kind of man. Unless it comes to the Fallen girls because they know what I’m about and won’t pressure me for more than I want to give them. Kendell is the kind of woman you settle down with. You marry her and give her babies. She’s not the woman you fuck somewhere random and then walk away. I hardly know her and I can tell that just from what I’ve learned and observed over the last three weeks. Yes, I’ve been watching her and keeping an eye on things as she lives at the compound.
When we get a new person to help out of a horrible situation, I always do a background check on them to see what the club is actually getting involved in. Some situations are a lot worse than others and we need to know what we’re dealing with. Instead of putting the victim through hell and making them relive their trauma with a bunch of guys who more than likely intimidate and scared the fuck outta them, I do a background check instead. The counselors we’ve hired can work on getting information out of them during their sessions. They know how to do so without causing more damage and pain. So, I know more about Kendell than she thinks I know.
Kelsey and Kendell sure didn’t grow up in a loving home. Their father beat their mother until it finally became too much for her. She took her own life in the home they lived in. I don’t know what happened after that, but I do know Kendell has never been in a serious relationship and her sister married Martin directly out of high school. Kendell has bounced from one job to the next. Right before she made the call for help, she lost a job at a sleazy bar in her town. Kendell always pays her bills, takes self-defense classes, and didn’t go to college. Every little thing I learn about her only makes me want to discover every secret she has and I’ve never felt that way before about anyone. To me, the people I do background checks on are nothing more than a job that I’m doing for the club. Kendell is something completely fucking different and I don’t know if I like it or not. Especially because she makes me feel things I’ve never felt before and is so much more than a job.
Hearing her views on sex, I know she’s holding back her true self. Her father was an insanely religious man. He’d go to church multiple times a week and twice on Sunday. I’m not sure what led to him beating the hell out of his wife, but everything he did in his life revolved around his fucked-up belief system. Beliefs he forced on his wife and daughters as the girls grew up and his wife was forced to become a shell of the woman she was before meeting Kendell’s father. If he weren’t already dead, I’d find him and beat the fuck out of him for how he’s fucked his daughters up. The man was a fucking asshole and now to hear Kendell talk about sex as if it’s something to be ashamed of makes me angry.
There’s a deep passion that lingers in Kendell. I saw it when she watched me having sex. She’s curious, wants to explore her desires, and find what brings her the most pleasure. Instead, she lives in a box and limits what she does and doesn’t do. I want to draw out the passion she feels and introduce her to a completely new world where she’s free and open to explore her sexuality in ways she’s never dreamed about. I guarantee reading those books she does is the closest to any kind of kink she has. Yes, I know exactly what Kendell reads because I hacked into her account and found all the smut she reads. I’ve actually downloaded a few of the books to see what she’s been reading.
“Hawk, where the fuck you at man?” Eagle says, jostling me in the chair I’m in next to him.
We’re sitting in the common room finishing our breakfast before we get our day started.
“I’m here,” I automatically answer him, pushing the thoughts in my head about Kendell away.
“No, you’re not. You’re thinkin’ about Kendell again, aren’t ya?” Eagle questions me, a raised eyebrow as he waits for my answer with a knowing smirk on his face.
“Fuck!” I mutter, my brother laughing before turning serious once again. “I don’t know what the fuck is goin’ on with me when it comes to her. No matter what I do or where I am, she’s in my fuckin’ head. I want to discover every fuckin’ secret she has and tease her until she’s beggin’ for me to fuck her. The woman has a body made for sex and she doesn’t even fuckin’ know it. Hell, you should hear her views on sex.”
“What do you know about her views on sex, brother?”
“This is between the two of us, Eagle. I’m serious,” I say, looking around the common room to find it mainly empty as I lean closer to my brother. “She caught me fuckin’ Legs in the gazebo last week. Kendell was rooted to the fuckin’ spot and watched us. I went to talk to her later on and she told me that sex is meant to be private between a man and a woman. She also believes she shouldn’t have sex before she’s married, but says she’s had sex. Her father was a fuckin’ asshole and made his daughters feel ashamed to even think about their sexuality and want to have sex or experiment.”
“What the fuck?” my brother growls out, his voice hard and cold because we’ve known countless men like this over the years. “That fucker still alive?”
“No. Died a year ago,” I tell him as the door of the clubhouse opens and I see Kendell nervously step inside. “Sparky, what’s wrong?”
I’m immediately out of my seat and rushing to Kendell’s side with my brother following me. Kendell’s hair is a mess, the long strands tangled and knotted as if someone was yanking on her hair and pulling her around. Her clothes have spots of grease and dirt all over them and she’s crying silent tears. My heart races at the thought of someone hurting the woman standing in front of me.
“M-My c-car broke. I was on my way to the warehouses and something happened to the tire or something. It’s sitting at an odd angle and I don’t know what happened. I tried to see if I could find the problem, but I don’t know what I’m looking for. My sister and Gideon are waiting for me,” she says, the tears not stopping as more people surround her.
“It’s okay, Sparky. We’ll figure out what’s goin’ on with your car. I’ll make sure you get to the warehouses so you can spend the day with your sister and nephew. Why don’t you go get cleaned up and change your clothes while I figure everythin’ else out,” I tell her, wanting to pull her into my arms and hold her close until she stops crying.
Kendell nods her head at me before turning and leaving the clubhouse again. I don’t move or speak until the door closes behind her. Turning to face the men at my back, I take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds before releasing it.
“I got her car,” Trax speaks up as Savage nods with him. The two men leave before anything else is said. “I’m headin’ to the warehouses so I can get Kendell there. Later I’ll go over the security footage to make sure no one got in the compound and fucked with her car. Eagle, I’m gonna need you to do me a favor.”
“What’s up, little brother?” he questions, completely serious because he knows I never ask him for favors if I don’t have to.
“I want a full set of cameras up at the house Kendell’s stayin’ in. Around the full perimeter, the front and back doors, and one pointed out toward the gazebo because she does go spend time there. With me bein’ gone, I can’t get it all done while she’s not in the house. Can you handle that for me?” I ask him, knowing I’ve never taken things this far with anyone else as Eagle looks at me with the same knowledge.
“I’m on it. The second you guys leave, I’ll get everythin’ taken care of. Sparky, huh?” he returns, his smirk covering his face once more.
“She fuckin’ ignites somethin’ in me and I don’t have the power to pull away from whatever the fuck it is,” I tell him as the rest of the guys walk away and return to what they were doing before Kendell entered the clubhouse for the very first time.