Page 3 of Tease Me

The sight of Kendell entering the clubhouse looking as if someone attacked her brought forward every single protective instinct I’ve ever felt. I wanted to rip whoever hurt her limb from limb while holding her in my arms and making sure no one else can get close to her. I want to wipe the tears from her face and put a smile in its place because Kendell should never cry for any reason. Instead, I stood there like a fucking asshole and did nothing to comfort her but tell her to get cleaned up. What fucking woman wants to be told to get cleaned up? I’m a fucking idiot.

“You gonna claim her?” Reaper asks as he steps out from the hallway where his office is.

“No. She deserves more than this world. Kendell is too fuckin’ innocent for this way of life and I’m not gonna drag her into it because she makes me feel shit I’d rather not discuss,” I tell him as Rebel shakes her head behind the bar and I turn my full attention on her. “What’s up, Rebel?”

“You men are fucking stupid as hell. You want to protect her and she makes you feel shit, so it’s time to pack up and run. I have a feeling Kendell is so much fucking stronger than you’ll ever know. If you let her walk away, Hawk, you’re gonna miss out on something amazing. That woman will give you the entire fucking world and make you the center of hers. She came into a clubhouse full of men she doesn’t know and her eyes never left you the second she locked onto you. And don’t think I don’t know about the ‘hawk’ reference either. That shit’s been talked about since you got the call. Obviously someone is trying to tell your ass something. Listen to it or lose out on the best woman you could have at your side,” Rebel states, lowering her head as she goes back to stocking the bar for the day and cleaning as she normally does. “By the way, your voice carries in here more than you realize.”

Fuck! She’s heard our entire conversation. Eagle and I exchange a look before I shake my head and leave the clubhouse. Instead of getting one of the club’s SUVs, I head straight for my bike. I’ve never had a woman on the back of my bike before. It’s a seat reserved for the woman I’ll make my ol’ lady. However, the day is gorgeous and I want to have Kendell’s body wrapped around mine. I want to feel her ample chest pressed up against my back, have her arms wrapped around my waist, and let her experience riding a bike. I have no doubt it’s something she’s never done before.

Straddling my girl, I start the engine and don’t bother putting on my helmet because I’m just going around to the back of the compound to pick Kendell up. Trax and Savage are working on her car as I pass by and take in the damage done. A tie rod definitely broke and I can’t even begin to think of what else they’ll find. Passing them, I don’t stop until I pull up to the house Kendell’s been staying at. It’s actually not too far from my own house. There’s nothing but grass between our houses and the unobstructed view has me watching her place far more often than not. Hell, I’ve spent more time in my house over the last three weeks than I have since it’s been built. I shut my engine off as I wait for Kendell to come back out of her house so we can head to the warehouses.

It doesn’t take very long before I hear the front door open and look up to find Kendell standing there, staring out at me. The tears are no longer falling down her face. There’s a slight redness left behind and her eyes are slightly swollen from her crying. Something else is going on with her because there’s no way her car breaking down made her this upset. Kendell’s long hair hangs down her back, still wet. She’s wearing a tight pair of jeans that mold to every curve of her body and a tee-shirt that emphasizes her tits and exposes the top swell of them. Fuck! I want to taste every inch of her fucking body and see if her skin is truly as soft as it appears to be.

“You gonna come over here so we can head out?” I ask Kendell when she doesn’t move from the door.

“We’re, um, we’re going on your bike?” she questions, the hint of fear mixed with excitement filling her voice.

“Yeah. Come on, Kelsey and Gideon are waitin’ for ya. Let’s get over there so you can spend a few hours with them before I have to bring you back here,” I tell her, knowing her sister and nephew will get her out of her head and on my bike.

Kendell nods at me and locks the door behind her before shoving her keys in her pocket and making her way closer to me. She lets her eyes take in every inch of my bike and I let her inspect everything she wants. When she gets close to me, I stand from the bike and bring my leg over it so I can put my helmet on her head. I don’t have a spare and mine is gonna be big on her. It’s not ideal, but I’ll make it work. I’ve never thought of getting an extra helmet because I wasn’t planning on ever putting anyone on the back of my bike.

“Should I do something with my hair? Maybe braid it so the wind doesn’t whip it around?” she asks me as I step up closer to her. I’m close enough my arm brushes against the side of her chest causing Kendell to suck in a sharp breath.

“Yeah. All the ol’ ladies usually braid their hair or somethin’ so it doesn’t become a tangled mess from the helmet and wind,” I answer her, not giving her room to maneuver.

Kendell quickly braids her hair and I watch in fascination because it’s fucking perfect and she did it so damn fast. Most of the women use mirrors and brushes to get their hair to look as good as what Kendell just did in mere seconds. Shaking my head, I carefully put the helmet on her head and tilt it back so I can get the straps as tight as possible without hurting her. Kendell stares up at me and her gaze feels like a gentle caress against my face and upper body. I fumble the straps for a few seconds before clearing my throat and focusing on what I’m doing. Kendell closes her eyes when I tilt my head and move even closer to her, letting my fingers drag against the soft skin of her throat. Seeing my tattooed hand so close to her throat is filling my head with all kinds of images. Mainly the hand necklace variety. This fucking woman is making me crave her with every passing second and we’ve barely touched.

Finally getting the helmet taken care of, I step back a fraction and go over what I need Kendell to do and what not to do on the bike. Straddling the seat once more, I hold out my hand after pointing out the pegs for her to step on. Like a fucking all-star, Kendell gets on my bike as if she’s done it a million times before. She doesn’t wobble or pretend she can’t get on like I’ve seen happen to other guys. Sparky follows all of my directions and is seated behind me in seconds. She hesitates a few seconds before moving forward and wrapping her arms around my waist. Grabbing her thighs, I pull her closer to me. She lets out a startled gasp as I lean into her body. Once she’s positioned behind me exactly as I want her, I start the engine and laugh when she lets out a little squeal as I rev the engine. This is nothing but sweet fucking torture as I move away from the house and Kendell’s arms tighten around me even more. I can honestly say, this wasn’t one of my better ideas.

Chapter Three


THE DAY TURNS out amazing. Riding Hawk’s bike with him is an experience unlike anything else. When I was leaving the compound and my car broke, I overreacted because the need to see my sister and nephew was overwhelming. Kelsey has been making strides over the last week and it’s important that I show her how much I love and support her. To think that I would miss a visit with them broke me. That was all swept away the second Hawk touched me when he was putting the helmet on my head and then when I climbed on his bike behind him. Being pressed up against Hawk’s strong, hard body was enough to make the deepest ache settle between my legs. Feeling his hard abs under my hands let me know just how strong he is and how many hours he spends taking care of his body and honing his muscles.

It wasn’t until he left the compound that I truly felt free though. Everything faded to nothing as the wind whipped around us and I could take in parts of Clinton City as he rode through the streets. For the first time I took in details I’d never noticed before. Hawk didn’t speed or ride recklessly. I followed all the rules he told me before climbing on behind him. When I saw the warehouses appear in front of us, I wanted to tell Hawk to keep riding. For the first time, I wanted to be selfish and remain on this bike behind him and ride into the distance without a care in the world. Instead, I watched as he pulled up to the warehouses and parked his bike next to another one that was already in the parking lot. This bike was different from Hawk’s though. It’s a dark blue bike that doesn’t look the same as the one I’m currently climbing off of. My eyes are glued to the bike as Hawk gets off and steps in front of me, blocking my view.

“That’s Zoey’s bike. She’s Savage’s ol’ lady and volunteers part-time as she works on finishing up her degree. She wants to be a social worker and helps others when they need it the most. So, when she’s not at school or doin’ somethin’ club related, then she’s here with everyone,” Hawk informs me, his voice muffled as he finally removes the helmet and stares down at me. “I don’t know why her bike is here though. She’s not allowed to ride it right now. Savage must have parked it here so it’s away from the clubhouse and won’t be a temptation for her. If it’s out, it means she plans on doin’ some kind of maintenance or cleanin’ it today when she’s done.”

Hawk’s pupils dilate and the urge to kiss him consumes me as my body heats and I sway toward him. There’s some kind of magnetic pull between the two of us, but being with Hawk is a sure way to end up with a broken heart. I don’t believe he’d ever hurt me physically or mentally. Him breaking my heart is a completely different matter altogether though. The man is only out for his next fuck and I’m not okay with that. I mean, no I don’t want a relationship with him, or anyone, but I know my heart would start getting attached to the man before me. So, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep the distance I need.

Stepping back, I look at the ground between our feet.

“Thank you for the ride, Hawk. I’ll find a way back to the compound when I’m ready to leave,” I tell him, going to step away from him and toward the door I need to enter.

“Not so fast, Sparky. What’s goin’ on in that mind of yours?” he questions me, not one to hold back on finding out the answers he wants.

“Nothing. I just want to get in with my sister and nephew. I’ll see ya later,” I tell him, as he grabs my arm to keep me in place.

“Kendell, if there’s somethin’ you wanna say or do, then go for it,” he states as if he can read my mind.

“I can’t. I’m sorry, Hawk,” I tell him as he drops my arm and lets me walk away from him.

Heading into the warehouse, I’m greeted by the receptionist as usual. I fill out the paper about who I’m there to see and sign in while she gives me a name tag I have to wear the entire time I’m here. The only ones who don’t are the members of the club and the staff. Heading toward the rooms my sister and nephew are in, I don’t pass anyone in the hall as normal. By now, everyone is out doing what they’re scheduled to do for the day while the kids who are here are outside or with the staff specifically hired to take care of them while their parents are busy with getting the help they need to move forward. I’ve met everyone who comes into contact with Gideon and have loved them all so far.

For the first time in three years, my nephew is breaking out of his shell. He laughs and squeals in delight when we’re outside playing. Gideon is discovering his love of dirt and getting as dirty as he can while playing. His entire face lights up when he finds something new to love and do during the day. To see my nephew be the little boy he was always meant to be makes my heart swell with love and pride for how strong he is. I’ve always heard how resilient kids are, but I get to watch how true that is on a daily basis as Gideon opens himself up more and more.

When I get to the rooms my sister and nephew have, I hear talking and laughter from behind the closed door. I knock, curious to know what’s going on and wait for someone to let me in. I’m not going to invade my sister’s privacy and possibly set her back by scaring her or something. It’s important for me to respect any boundaries she sets in place and show her my unwavering support as she starts to heal from the trauma Martin has put her through.