“I already did,” she murmured, the question muffled and her eyes watering from the effort she was pouring into getting me off.
“That was more for me than you, and I still have plans for you. And I’m”—I expelled a sharp breath—“in charge.”
Willa ran her tongue along the underside of my arousal, tipping up her face to look at me as she did so. The lift at the corner of her mouth emphasized the wicked gleam in her eye.
Despite telling her she needed to stop, my entire body screeched out a complaint as she released me with a loud, lip-smacking pop. She wrapped a hand around the base of my shaft and squeezed, bringing out an animalistic noise I didn’t even know I could make.
“Here’s the thing,” she said as she stroked me in her tight fist. “I’m sure you’re great at debating and taking care of things, and that you like winning.”
Pretty sure I nodded, although I was too dizzy to be sure.
“That’s all fine and well, but you’ve taken excellent care of me. You didn’t just break my dry spell; you showed me a higher level of pleasure than I knew was possible. You took care of me tonight, and I mean more than sexually. I can tell you take on a lot, so I don’t want you to look at this as losing this argument. Think of it as allowing someone to take care of you for a change.” Her lips parted. “I promise, it’ll still be a win for you.”
Before I could come up with a counterargument—honestly, even if I were coherent enough to attempt one, I doubted even I could sell it—Willa fed every inch of me into her magnificent mouth.
She sucked so hard her cheeks hollowed out, and what choice did I have but to give in? I thrust against the roof of her mouth in a barbaric rhythm, infatuation and compulsion winning out. As soon as I finished, I’d repay her the pleasure, tenfold. “Fine. On this point, I’ll yield. But afterward”—I gave the strands twined around my fingers a jerk, basking in the way it brought her chin against my balls and sent goosebumps across her skin—“I’m going to show you that I’m still the one in control. By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be forced to declare me your master.”
My orgasm slammed into me with the force of a missile bent on destruction. I rode it out, wave after wave, grunting and groaning until I’d emptied myself completely.
A trickle of my cum ran down her chin, and I bent, and wiped at it with my thumb. “Every last drop, Willa.”
Like the fiend I was turning her into, she sucked it clean. For all my talk about dominating her and being in charge, at that moment and regardless of her being the one down on her knees, all my wants and desires belonged to her.
Chapter 18
The scent of grilling meat filled the air, and I popped open my second beer and took a generous swig. I switched the cool bottle to my left hand so I could use the end of the spatula push the bratwursts around the sizzling hamburger patties. Mostly so I had something to keep myself busy.
The guys and I tried to meet up one or two weekends a month—well, now it was the guys and their significant others. They’d done their best to coerce me into coupledom so I wouldn’t be the third wheel. Or fifth or whatever-the-fuck. I’d told them they were worse than my mom and doubled down on bachelorhood.
But when they’d asked if I’d had any more run-ins with the neighbor I’d “used as an excuse” for being late to our last gathering, I should’ve known better than to tell the truth. They’d undoubtedly volunteered for this fine Sunday night’s hosting dudes so that A) I’d be on time and B) they could scope out my sexy neighbor.
If I’d known Willa would meet them one day, I never would’ve mentioned her box of toys spilling out onto the sidewalk. It’d slipped out after one too many whiskeys, but they were sworn to secrecy. Still, I had no idea they’d be this annoyingly curious, and the fact that we’d spent time together upped the ante significantly. On both sides, honestly.
Whenever there was movement below, Jameson, Kat, or Ben would rush to the edge of the rooftop patio and scope it out.
“You guys are being ridiculous,” I said as I flipped the burgers. “It would’ve been rude not to invite her, considering I’m throwing a barbecue at the house where we both live. Plus, I knew everyone would drive me crazy with questions about her. This way, you can all satisfy your curiosity.” Grease splattered in a semi-circle as I gestured at the guys I’d been friends with since our parents enrolled us in a fancy-pants private school. “Don’t ruin my awesome no-strings arrangement with incessant questions and allusions of relationship grandeur.”
In addition to the reasons I was rattling off to my friends, I also needed to pay Willa back for the other night. The woman obviously needed a reminder I was still the one in control, and I could hardly wait to give her a lengthy demonstration.
Jameson bent over the cooler, rattling the ice around and fishing out another beer. Then he lifted the bottle of Sam Adams and studied it as if the label might’ve changed in the last fifteen minutes. “It’s cute, seeing you get all huffy and protective over someone. Usually, you don’t give a shit what we say to your…” He raised his voice and inclined his head in Ben’s direction. “Hmm. How shall we refer to his past women. Previous entanglements?”
“Short-lived,” Ben added with a chortle, and Christiano joined in on the laughing at my expense, as if he’d been part of the gang for years. Which I’d totally be onboard for if, again, I wasn’t the punchline here.
“I was going to say fling,” Kat added as she wrapped her arm around Jameson’s waist. “But it’s a bit redundant with Ben’s choice.” She tapped a finger to her lip. “How about dalliances?”
“How about you all shut the fuck up?”
Jameson raised an eyebrow, and since I didn’t want him to get his panties in a twist, I gritted out a smile. “Except you, Kat. Evidently, trying to cover my buddy’s ass, along with his company, means you can say whatever you want for the rest of our lives. Which will be much shorter if any of yous embarrasses me.” Hopefully slipping into my thickest Boston accent also accentuated the earnest threat.
Kat swiped a hand through the air. “That’s water under the bridge. I was never mad at you; just Jameson.” She patted his chest. “But I’ve mostly forgiven him.”
He dipped her and kissed her, and I couldn’t make out the precise words, but there was some sexual bartering or threatening going on. Then more kissing and giggling, and their cheesiness reminded me it was time to slap cheese on top of the patties.
While I was at it, I added another glug of wine to Kat’s half-empty glass, so that when she came up for air, she’d have plenty to drink. It was nice to have my buddy’s girlfriend for an excuse to bring up a bottle of red, since they’d razz me if they thought I’d brought it special for Willa. It was called being a good host.
My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I drew it faster than a gunslinger at a showdown. Maybe they won’t notice, I thought as I read Willa’s text letting me know that she was on her way.