That’d be counterintuitive to ensuring she kept her job and secured her dreams, so instead, I dove in, unable to wait a second longer to taste her. To feel her shudder, and shudder she did, a tremble starting in her legs and then traveling up the rest of her incredible body.
Again and again, I took her to the edge, only to back off as soon as her muscles tensed. By time number three of withholding her orgasm, I thought we might be here all night before she cracked. But then she tunneled her fingers through my hair and yanked at the ends so my face was turned up to hers. “Fine. You win. Please, just let me finish already. Preferably before I go insane.”
“See?” I yanked down her underwear, leaving them around her ankles. “Was that so hard?”
“Now, Nathan.” At my reprimanding look, she added, “Please.”
Her submission tasted almost as sweet as she did, and I dove in, lapping at her like both of our lives depended on it.
Within no time, her muscles were tightening, her release coming at her quickly. I pulled back an inch, setting my scruffy cheek against her inner thigh and soaking in her whimper. To ensure she didn’t trip, I removed the thong from around her ankles and shoved it into my pocket. Then I peered up at her, tongue extended, the tip a mere centimeter away from her clit. “My name.”
It boomeranged across the performance center before coming back around and flooding my ears, the noise so full of lust and longing that I went ahead and gave her exactly what she wanted. Once the tremors started, I hooked my hands around her knees, bracing her with my shoulders against her hips so she wouldn’t fall.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she whispered, and then I sucked her into my mouth, pleasure zinging through me as she cried out my name, nice and loud, the acoustics she’d been marveling at proving just how wonderous they were as the sounds of her voice filled the air.
Willa shivered the second she stepped out of the car and the breeze hit her. The rain had turned to a drizzle, but we’d been walking the Green Way after dinner when we got caught in a torrential downpour. She snuggled deeper into the suit coat I’d draped over her once we made it to the car, but as we walked up the front steps of the duplex, her teeth began chattering.
“I’m not sure…” Another shiver accompanied the rattling noise. “I’m so cold, and I hate to use this term right now, but I’m thinking I’m going to have to take a raincheck on dessert.”
“I have a better idea. We’ll get you inside and warm you up with a hot shower.” I unlocked my door and pulled her through my living room. I didn’t usually run cold, and even I was wondering if I’d ever be warm again.
As soon as we reached my bedroom, I relieved her of my suit coat, and then her shoes and mine. We both undressed in a flash, and with Willa quivering so much, I delayed my ogling of her naked body until we were in the shower, under the hot spray of water.
I rubbed my hands over her shoulder, adding some friction to up her body temperature that way. “Ready to admit that I was right when I told you that you should duck inside a bar while I went to fetch the car?”
Her chin jutted out, as stubborn as she’d been when she’d informed me that she liked the rain and wouldn’t melt. I tried once more to convince her to go somewhere she’d be warm and dry, but she insisted. “I plead the fifth.”
I pushed my hair off my face to avert the stream running down my nose and shook my head. “Trust me, sweetheart, you don’t want me to cross-examine you.”
The color had returned to her face, as had the feistiness. She stepped closer, until my growing erection skimmed her lower stomach and her breasts grazed my chest. “Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong.” She pressed her lips to my jaw. “I rather enjoy when you’re thorough; when you poke and prod and get aggressive.”
I backed her against the tile, showing her who was in charge here. Water ran down her body in rivulets, tracing the parts of her I planned on exploring myself. Then I jammed my hand between her legs, probing and spreading the wetness I found there, and not from the shower, either.
Watching pleasure flicker across Willa’s features was quickly taking the top spot for one of my very favorite activities. She was so responsive and easy to read, which made it that much easier and more fun to push all the right buttons.
I withdrew my fingers in one harsh drag. Then I lifted them to my mouth and sucked them clean, her awestruck reaction leading me to believe no one had properly savored her before. “The taste of you is such a fucking turn-on.”
“Well, I don’t think it’s fair you get to do all the tasting.”
I almost extended my fingers, thinking she wanted to experience it for herself, and I was totally onboard.
But then she dropped to her knees and took me into her mouth. The heat from the water and warmth of her was similar yet different and holy fuck, the woman could suck. A grunt came out, and I braced my hand on the shower wall so I wouldn’t fall to my knees.
“Mmmm,” she said, withdrawing enough to swirl her tongue around the head of my cock, lapping up the drop of pre-cum. “I get what you mean.”
I twined my fingers in her hair, not pulling or forcing but securing her to me and this moment. Although, once she wrapped her pretty lips around me again, my hips pumped of their own accord, unable to withstand the temptation to dive deeper into heaven.
Every worry I’d ever had melted away. The only thing that existed was this shower, my cock, Willa’s mouth, and the way her tits bounced with the bob of her head.
Sparks of light danced through my vision and my head swam, adrift on a sea of bliss. Way too quickly my balls tightened, ready to unleash after the euphoric buildup. “Willa, I’m too close. I can’t come before you.”
Air hissed from between my clenched teeth as the head of my cock hit the back of her throat.