Tick. Tock.
From somewhere in the bar, I could hear what sounded like an old grandfather clock ticking down time. It was a perfect representation of the moments when I felt as if I was spiraling out of control. I powered back a gulp, the strains of some shitty elevator music assaulting my senses. I’d thought about finding a twenty-four-hour gym, working off some of the rage. Instead, I was sucking down booze as if it was going out of style.
It was the only open bar in the Conrad, and I hadn’t wanted to cruise the streets of New York at this time of night. Mainly because I still had the feeling our lives were in danger. It was odd, something I’d never been concerned with before. Maybe that’s because I’d always believed somewhere inside the back of my mind that I deserved to die for my sins. A laugh caught in my throat. Yeah, that was a truthful admittance
I rarely second guessed myself but tonight was an entirely different story. I’d allowed memories and indoctrination to come closing to ruining what I had to admit was the best evening I’d had in years.
What if she fucking hated me after this?
So what are you going to do?
“Like I know.” My conscience had stopped pestering me a long time ago. To hear the dark voice inside my head tonight meant I’d gone too far. I finished off the glass, shoving it aside. The bartender didn’t need to walk very far. A simple nod of my head indicating another was all that was needed.
I pulled out my phone, calling Easton. At least my brother had sleeping issues like I did.
“I thought you were in New York,” he growled, which was strange for him.
“There’s too fucking much going on. What about Carlos? What the hell is he up to?”
“He’s had some issues, which needless to say he hasn’t wanted to mention to anyone.”
“What do you mean issues?”
Easton scoffed. “Two shipments, including diamonds, exploded out at sea. Now, this could be a rumor but it seems as if he’s nervous about doing business with anyone, not just us. It would appear a full-scale war is about to break out in his country, at least four cartels vying for top dog.”
“Hence his need for weapons,” I said under my breath.
“Yeah. He’s laying low. That much I do know for certain.”
“Then he was reaching out for help.” That was strange by any crime syndicate’s standards but if the war was inside his own country, he likely felt as if he had no choice.
“That’s what it would appear.”
“Have some men keep an ear to the ground there. I don’t want any surprises.”
“Neither do your two brothers. Remember, we’re a damn family.”
“Now, you remember that.” While we both laughed, only when push came to shove we did operate as a family. A fucked-up family, but one nonetheless. “Call me if you hear anything.”
“Will do.”
I held the phone to my head, debating what I was about to do. It would seem my goddamn behavior was not only questionable but also predictable. Before I had a chance to dial my other brother’s phone, his number flashed across the screen.
A moment of anger rushed in just before I answered. “Kane called you.”
“Why would you think that?” Styx asked, his voice sleepy.
“Because you’re not a fucking mind reader.”
“Yeah, well, you might be surprised. But this time, you’re right. What the fuck is going on? I thought Bella was your salvation.”
“She is. But she’s also suddenly awakened my conscience.”