But on the bright side, there was no mud. I smiled happily as I sauntered to the restaurant.
"Cami." Maddox's voice filtered through the night air to me.
I turned around, surprised to find him just outside the entrance.
"Hey! You were waiting for me?"
"Of course. I wouldn't go in without you." He looked me up and down slowly. I was wearing a wool overcoat over my dress, so he couldn't really see anything except my shoes. His gaze focused on them.
Oh yeah. I was knocking his boxers off already.
Socks, Cami. Socks.
He nodded at the hostess, who said, "Please step inside. One of my colleagues will take you to your table, Mr. Whitley."
"You're so famous that she knows who you are," I whispered as we went up the stairs.
He laughed. "No, I gave her my name before you arrived."
I felt like a fish out of water. Thank heavens I'd bought a new dress for the occasion.
Another hostess met us just inside. I kept looking around, taking it all in. Before we entered the large ballroom that was filled with tables, she stopped near the coat station. Holding up a hanger, she said, "I can put your coat in here for you."
"Thank you."
I tugged at the belt, and then Maddox helped me with the coat, handing it to her. Maddox’s eyes were fixed on me. Hot damn! His eyes were dark, almost feral. He was pressing his lips together. I realized his breathing was already labored, like he was making a concerted effort. What for?
"And here you go." She gestured toward the ballroom before walking in front of us.
"Maddox," I said when he kept staring at me. "I think we're supposed to follow her."
His nostrils flared. "Yeah. Yes, we are. After you," he replied, pointing in front of him.
"Where did your mind just go?" I whispered.
He walked one step behind me. "You don't want to know."
"I do. That's why I'm asking," I said with sass.
"Cami, if I told you everything I’m thinking, we wouldn't even make it through dinner, trust me."
The man had a point. Even though I was super curious, I didn't bug him further. Besides, I had an inkling about what was on his mind.
The ballroom was exquisite. I'd only been to restaurants with ballrooms before for weddings, and none had been as grand as this one.
"You like this place?" he asked as we sat down.
I smiled at him. "I love it. It’s fancy but not overbearing. It’s more intimidating from the outside.”
"I'm glad you like it. I wanted to bring you somewhere you’d enjoy yourself."
"Thank you," I said softly.
There was already a bottle of sparkling water and one of still water on the table. We also had a basket of bread, butter, and some spreads. I hadn't checked the menu, but I suspected that this place had to have French influences.
"I was surprised when you called," I said.