Miriam laughed. "Don't you want to try on the other ones?"
"No. I know a winner when I wear it, and this is definitely what I need."
"I'll pack it for you. Knock those boxers off," Ms. Danvers said.
I nearly choked, and Miriam gasped. Ms. Danvers simply winked at us.
Okay, she's feisty. I did not expect that.
I took off the dress right away, and she gave me instructions on how to steam it. She packed it with great care, and then we were on our way.
"Want my help getting ready?" Miriam asked.
"Oh yes, please. You always do wonders with my hair."
"You've got amazing hair, so it’s easy."
"Yeah, but whenever I try fancy stuff, it just looks like a bird nest."
Miriam laughed, putting an arm around my shoulders. "I've got your back. Come on, I’ll get you ready so you knock those boxers off."
Chapter Eighteen
Miriam was truly a whiz with hairstyling. I owned nothing more than a dryer and a hairbrush, yet she managed to make me look like I'd been at the salon and gotten a blowout. My hair had volume but without being frizzy or over the top.
I kept looking at myself in the rearview mirror as I drove to Boston. I’d paired my new dress with gold heels, barely making it to my car in them. I was hoping Boston wasn’t as muddy.
It didn't matter, as boots wouldn’t have fit the dress at all. I usually chose comfort over looks, but not tonight.
I want to knock his boxers off.
Damn it. I had to be careful or it would stick in my mind.
It’s knock his socks off, Cami. Socks!
I cranked the music up as I drove slightly over the speed limit. I was a bit of a rebel when driving and usually got away with it.
Not today, though.
I was just entering Boston when a police car flagged me. He gave me a ticket for speeding. It took him forever to fill out everything, so I texted Maddox, not wanting him to think I was coming late on purpose.
Cami: I got stopped by the police. I'll be a few minutes late. Sorry.
My phone buzzed with one, two, then three incoming messages as the policeman came back to talk to me.
"Miss, be more careful next time," he said.
"I will," I said, smiling sheepishly. "I promise."
He nodded and sent me on my merry way. I stopped checking my messages, though, not wanting to give the police another reason to stop me.
I didn't really know my way around Boston. I only came here every few months to shop, but each time, I simply drove to the address I needed and then went back to Essex; I'd never ventured to restaurants or anything.
Thankfully, I arrived only five minutes late at the address Maddox had given me.
I glanced suspiciously at the building in front of me. This place looked amazing and hyper expensive. They had their own small parking lot, and my Ford Focus was by far the most basic vehicle in it. It didn't fit in at all. I parked between a Range Rover and a Mercedes and was super careful when I got out; the last thing I needed was to scratch one of these fancy-ass cars. Paying for the damages might cost more than my own was worth.