Because damn did this suck.
The beginning of the school year was always busy for Antoni and this year was even more chaotic now that he had the kids, but, thankfully, his parents were a godsend.
And so was Matty.
Last semester, Antoni had taken a leave of absence at the end of the school year to care for the kids and help them through the initial transition but after, he’d worried about how he was going to manage getting four kids ready when he started his workday before Alexis and Eli left for school.
His mom had suggested scheduling his planning period for the first hour of the day. He’d been hesitant to ask Principal Cunningham if that was an option but she’d been understanding about his situation and it really did make his life so much easier.
The first day of school was chaotic of course.
River was sleepy and clingy. Alexis was surly and anxious about her new teachers, worried she wouldn’t have friends in her classes. Eli moved slower than a turtle who’d just woken up from a hundred-year nap. But along with some coaxing from Matty, Antoni got them all wrangled.
This year, Alexis was going into grade eight and Eli was going into grade five, which meant they’d be riding the bus together. It was a relief to Antoni, knowing Alexis would be there to keep an eye on anyone hassling Eli, though so far, there hadn’t been any issues.
Then again, Bethany had put the fear of God into the school after a bullying incident a few years ago.
After Alexis and Eli got on their bus, Antoni dropped Reese off at his parents’ house, then took River to preschool.
It was difficult saying goodbye but despite her tears and clinginess and his struggles leaving her when she was so upset, he made it to school with half an hour to spare.
There was time to drink the travel mug of coffee Matty had fixed for him and Antoni smiled when he found breakfast tucked into his bag.
That man …
Antoni stared at his empty classroom, thinking about the near kiss last night and the feel of Matty’s warm palm on the back of his neck.
Antoni wanted it. God, did he ever want it.
And to know Matty felt that connection to him … knowing he wanted more than just some convenient sex … it made Antoni’s head spin. A part of him wanted to throw himself at Matty and see where it would go …
But it was just too much to risk.
Antoni had done the right thing; he was sure of it. He just really, really hated that it was the complete opposite of what he actually wanted.
“Hi, Mr. Bianchi!” one of his students chirped as she walked into his classroom and he jumped, realizing he’d lost time mooning over Matty.
“Oh, hi. Ready for a new school year?” he said, clearing his throat as he gathered up the trash from the frittata bites and fruit, yogurt, and granola cup Matty had packed.
She grinned. “Totally.”
After that, Antoni focused on school, only checking his phone between periods to make sure there were no important texts from his parents, Matty, or the kids’ schools, even though he knew if it was that urgent, someone from the head office would get a message to him.
Still, he worried.
But the day passed smoothly and before he knew it, he was packing his bag to go home.
His parents were there, his mom reading, his dad working on his laptop at the dining room table. Reese was napping, River had been picked up from preschool, and Alexis and Eli had just gotten home.
Of course Matty was there too. From his mussed hair and the crease on his cheek, he must have just woken up from a nap.
Antoni sighed with relief when Matty appeared as warm and friendly as ever, asking the kids about their day, exclaiming over a picture River drew, then hanging it on the fridge and beaming when Eli talked excitedly about their new teacher.
“Well, I think you have this all in hand,” his mom said to Antoni with a smile after Matty immediately got up at the sound of Reese awake and fussing after his nap.
“We’re doing pretty good,” Antoni said with a smile. “Life feels a lot more manageable now.”