Fake Marriage Confirmed: Carlson in Hot Water Following Heated Custody Altercation
Toronto Fisher Cat enforcer, Matt Carlson, was spotted in a heated altercation following a youth hockey practice on Thursday evening. In attendance were Carlson and new husband, Antoni Bianchi, along with two of the four children in Bianchi’s care.
But that guardianship may not last long.
Carlson’s argument with the children’s grandparents ended with him shoving their sixty-eight-year-old grandfather to the ground while onlookers watched in horror.
The video quickly went viral and sources close to the Fisher Cats organization reveal that management is not pleased with the headlines.
“They’re really trying to clean up the drama that the team has been involved in lately,” the source said on condition of anonymity. “What’s really crazy is that at the same time, the truth came out about Carlson and Bianchi’s marriage. Carlson himself confirmed that they only got married for custody reasons. Looks like that’s going to bite him in the ass.”
While some fans have stated their approval, saying, “The Swansons sound like assholes. I don’t blame Carlson and Bianchi for doing whatever it takes to keep the kids safe,” others aren’t convinced.
Another fan stated, “If you ask me, this is a clear sign that Carlson is a loose cannon. If I were a judge, there’s no way in hell I’d give Bianchi custody. A fight and a fake marriage? That’s shady as hell.”
A fake marriage, a custody dispute, and an off-ice fight?
What’s next for Matty Carlson?
Antoni’s stomach churned as he followed Matty into the studio where the Puck Thoughts Podcast was filmed.
He understood why they were there—they needed to do some PR work to get the public on their side—but God did he hate this idea.
Matty kept apologizing but Antoni couldn’t be mad.
Maybe he should be—plenty of the public seemed to think Matty was an asshole for standing up to the Swansons—but Antoni? All he could see was someone who loved the kids so much they’d do anything for them.
Antoni was already tired of all of the meetings he’d had with Matty, his agent, and Kate Foster from the Fisher Cats’ organization. He was sick of the meetings, sick of the attention from the public, sick of all of it.
But what choice did they have?
“We don’t have to do this,” Matty said quietly, half an hour later as they waited for a lighting person to finish tweaking the setup.
“We do,” Antoni replied, turning to face him. He touched Matty’s cheek, wishing he could melt away his stress.
“Well, you don’t have to.” Matty squared his shoulders. “I’ll take care of this. I got us into this mess and I’ll get us out of it.”
Antoni smiled and shook his head. “No,” he said quietly. “You are so sweet for worrying about me but we’re in this together, right?”
“Of course.” Matty squeezed his hand. “If that’s what you want.”
“It’s what I want.”
“We’re ready whenever you are,” one of the assistants said and Antoni swallowed hard and led Matty over to the table where the podcast was filmed.
After their hosts, Catherine Newman and Tad Taber, introduced themselves on camera, they began.
“Thank you for joining us today,” Catherine said with a smile. “When we extended an invitation to Matt, we didn’t get expect him to take us up on it so soon or that you would join us as well, Antoni.”
“It’s uh, Matty,” he said, clearing his throat. “And well, I hadn’t planned on doing this until later in the season when I had a little more time but after this recent, um, situation, Antoni and I wanted to clear things up as quickly as possible.”
“You’re, of course, referring to the video of the parking lot altercation that recently went viral?”
“Yes,” Matty said. He looked handsome in a white button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. They displayed his strong forearms and a hint of his tattoos and shit, if Antoni wasn’t careful, the camera would pick up on him drooling over his husband.
“Would you like to share some of the backstory on the conflict between you and the Swansons?” Catherine asked.