Page 176 of The Home Game

Kate rubbed her forehead. “I wish you guys would talk to me before you go off half-cocked with shit like this. You’ve managed it horribly.”

Matty winced. “Probably. And I am sorry. We … we did what we thought was best. I am sorry though.” Matty felt more miserable by the moment. He wanted to help Antoni but not at the expense of his team and the franchise.

He didn’t want to be forced to choose between two things he loved.

“Look, Matty,” Kate said, lacing her fingers together on her desk. “I’m sympathetic. The Swansons sound like they would be terrible guardians. It’s clear you and Antoni love those kids.”

“We do. And we have to protect them. Especially Eli,” Matty explained. He went on to tell them about what the Swansons had done in the past and by the time he was done, both Kate’s and Gilly’s expressions were horrified.

“Assholes,” Gilly spat.

Matty blinked, surprised, and Gilly must have picked up on it because he looked Matty in the eye. “Carlson, I don’t like any of the decisions you made, but that doesn’t mean I’m not sympathetic to the reasoning behind them. My daughter—well, she’s trans. Trust me when I say that I understand the kind of bigotry coming Eli’s way. And I’m ashamed to say that I didn’t handle it well when my daughter came out.”

“Oh,” Matty said and then ran out of words. Because shit, what was a person supposed to say after something like that?

Gilly was silent for a moment before he cleared his throat.

“Look, it’s no secret. Alexandra talks about it publicly. And we’ve spoken together at some of the various hockey inclusion initiatives. When my wife gave birth, I was excited about having a son. I wanted a little boy I could teach hockey to and I was so damn proud of him. When Alexandra told us who she really was … well, it rocked the family pretty hard. Me especially. It took Alexandra and me a long time to work things out. Which is my fault. Not hers.”

Gilly leaned forward.

“So when I say that you did the right thing, Carlson, I mean it. What you and Antoni are doing … supporting the kids, fighting for them, it’s what I should have done from the beginning. But it’s also why I know there’s a line. I’ve been there. Once Alexandra and I were on good terms again, I went a little overboard, trying to protect her from the assholes out there. I lost my shit a few times until she made me see that while she appreciated it, it wasn’t doing anyone any good except getting me in trouble at work.”

Matty nodded.

“And you crossed that line last night, Carlson,” Gilly said. “You took it too far. When you accepted the responsibility that comes with being an alternate captain that meant you don’t get to lose your cool in public like that. Ever.”

Swallowing hard, Matty nodded again.

“There’s also the matter of the code of conduct,” Kate pointed out.

Matty winced. “True.”

Gilly pursed his lips. “So I’m benching you for two games with a warning. This isn’t the kind of behavior you’re known for and I think you were coming from a good place when you did it, but it’s not going to happen again, you hear me?”

“Yes, Gilly.”

“Good. Because if you do it again, I will bench you and bag skate you until your feet fall off.”

“Yes, Gilly.”

He nodded like that was settled, then stood. “I need to get to practice.”

“I need to speak to Matty for a few more minutes alone,” Kate said.

“Sure. When you’re done, get your ass on the ice as fast as possible, Carlson,” Gilly said as he strode to the door. He opened it, frowning. “And shut the damn door behind you, next time. I don’t need our private conversations making it out into the world either.”

He left with a scowl, the door rattling shut. Matty winced.

“Okay, now let’s work on the statement we’re going to release to the media,” Kate said.

“I really am sorry,” Matty said.

Her expression softened. “I know you are. I just wish you and your teammates would learn to think before you make decisions.”

“Yeah, but think how many people would be out of a job if we did,” Matty teased.

Kate managed a small wry smile. “You may be on to something there.”