“True.” Matty hadn’t really considered that before. It made sense of course. Why wouldn’t Antoni be wary about getting close to someone? When he’d lost two important people in his life, of course he’d worry about that happening again. “I can be patient for him.”
“Of course you can.” Dustin smiled. “And you’ll do it the same way you made it here.”
He gestured around the private plane with its cushy seats and subtle nods to the team colors.
The luxury that was far from the uncomfortable busses Matty had ridden after ECHL games. Where soggy sub sandwiches and gas station apples were the norm instead of the steak and roasted sweet potatoes or scallops with barley risotto they’d eaten tonight as they winged their way across the border to play in Buffalo.
Matty nodded slowly. Dustin was right. “Yeah, I guess I have plenty of experience being patient, don’t I?”
“Hey, are we gonna play cards tonight or what?” Dom asked cooly.
Matty lifted his head, nodding as he tucked his phone into his pocket. Dustin didn’t sigh aloud but the look he shot Matty told him that he’d like to.
They were both frustrated by Dom.
“Yeah. What are we playing today?” Matty asked, keeping his voice neutral as he reached for a deck of cards in his bag.
“Seven Up?” Dustin suggested.
Dom groaned. “Can’t we do something else? It’s such a tight fit laying out seven cards for each of us at this tiny-ass table.”
“Ahh shut up, you old grump,” Dustin said with a laugh. “You love this game.”
“Mr. Mystery here is in a bad mood because he can’t do whatever it is he usually does on Sunday night,” Jordan teased.
Dom made an annoyed noise at being called out and Matty kept his mouth shut and shuffled the cards. There was no way he was saying anything. If he did, he’d make a bad situation worse.
The routine of shuffling the cards settled Matty though, the cards soft and well-worn over countless games played on the plane.
He dealt everyone their seven cards in a line facedown, set the deck in the middle of the table and Dustin began his turn.
It was an easy game, mindless, and Matty was glad.
They often played poker or blackjack for money but that usually led to a lot more bickering and competitiveness. With the tension already simmering between Matty and Dom, it was probably a smart choice to keep it simple and low-key tonight, something easy to while away the short flight.
Matty smiled at his cards, grateful for Dustin who was so good at keeping the peace.
Dustin dealt the second game and Matty snapped a picture of the card table before sending it to Antoni.
He didn’t get a response, but it was late and he was probably already asleep.
They played a few rounds and Matty watched from the corner of his eye as Dom’s shoulders finally softened and he laughed easily at something Jordan said.
When the pilot alerted them it was time to descend, Matty packed away the cards and buckled his seatbelt.
It was late when they landed in Buffalo and Matty was quiet as they boarded the bus, watching the lights of the city go by as they sped to their hotel.
It didn’t take long for the team services guy, Grady Reynolds, to get their keycards handed out and Matty felt a stab of envy as Jonah and Felix disappeared into their room together.
“Movies?” he asked hopefully to Nico as he passed in the hall but he shook his head.
“Gonna video chat with Auggie. You can join us but I have a feeling you won’t want to be there for that.” Nico winked.
“Ahh nope. I definitely don’t,” Matty agreed with a laugh. He saw enough of Nico’s ass in the locker room. He sure didn’t need more of it.
Dustin would probably video chat with Charlie. Jordan would call Natasha, Colton would call Birdie …