Antoni looked him over. “You look … you look great though.”
“Yeah?” Matty smoothed down his tie, his expression hesitant but maybe a little hopeful.
“Yeah,” Antoni said hoarsely. He’d never seen Matty dressed up before—or at least not outside of pictures online—but today he wore a dark blue double-breasted suit with a crisp white shirt.
Classic but stylish with the matching tie and pocket square in a brighter blue with white polka dots.
“You too,” Matty said, looking him over, his gaze appreciative.
Antoni’s stomach flipped, but this time, it definitely wasn’t with anxiety. “Thanks. I, um, I don’t like any of my ties though. Would you loan me one?”
“Of course,” Matty said. “I’m not a clothes horse the way some guys are, but I have a few ties you might like. Maybe something blue so we kinda match?”
“Sure, that sounds nice.” Antoni followed Matty into the guest house.
Antoni hadn’t been in here since the walkthrough with his Aunt Sharon.
He’d spoken to her a few days ago. Explained the situation and begged her not to tell anyone about when he and Matty had actually met.
He’d been doubtful she’d go along with it, but the moment he explained the situation with Eli and Corey’s parents she’d immediately sounded horrified on Eli’s behalf and assured Antoni she’d do whatever she could to help them.
The problem was, Aunt Sharon was only one possible person who could throw all of their carefully laid plans into disarray, and Antoni had no way of knowing if someone else would find out the truth.
He didn’t know what to do now, just knew that he had to do something. He had to try. He had to fight for the kids with everything he had.
“Antoni?” Matty said softly and he nodded and stepped forward, following him through the living area, across the bedroom, then into the large closet. This weekend, they’d move all of Matty’s things back into the main house.
Into the bedroom they’d share.
Antoni’s stomach flipped nervously at the thought. God, at this rate he was going to get sick in the middle of his vows. Oh fuck, he was about to say vows to Matty. They were getting married today.
Matty pulled several ties off their hooks and held them out for him to pick from. The patterns swam in front of Antoni’s eyes and he blindly reached for one.
Up close, he could see it was navy blue in a subtle windowpane plaid pattern, woven with stripes of brighter blue and white. It was a little long on Antoni but after a few tries, he was able to tie it so it didn’t hang too far below his belt buckle.
Matty stepped closer, straightening the knot, and Antoni felt a weird twinge go through his body. He was going to have to get used to Matty being so close. Touching him casually. Not that he minded but … it was weird, right?
“Perfect,” Matty whispered. “See? We look good together.”
He turned Antoni so they could both look in the full-length mirror on the wall nearby.
Antoni nodded. They did look good together. But it was a lie. This whole wedding was.
“Hey, are you sure you want to go through with this?” Matty asked with a worried frown. “You seem …”
“I’m sure,” Antoni said firmly turning to look him in the eye. “I don’t know what else to do. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t try everything I could to protect Eli.”
His voice cracked at the end and Matty pulled him close, kissing his hair. “Hey, it’ll be okay. I promise.”
“I can’t let those people harm Eli, Matty. They would. You know they would,” he whispered against Matty’s shoulder, some of the nerves washing away at the feel of Matty’s strong arms around him.
“I know,” Matty said, his tone soft and reassuring, but no less determined. He swept his hand up and down Antoni’s back. “But I mean it. I won’t let them hurt Eli. They’ll have to go through me first.”
Antoni tipped his head back to look at up Matty, though he didn’t pull away. “You really mean that, don’t you?”
“Yes.” Matt’s expression was serious. “I know this wedding is just for—for show and the court and all of that but I do care about you. I care about you and those kids and I think—I think maybe there are a lot worse reasons to marry someone. Making a safe, loving home for four kids who really need it? That’s a good thing.”
Antoni nodded, his heart feeling strangely full all of a sudden. “True.”