Page 101 of The Home Game

“So, try to look a little bit like you’re happy about marrying me,” Matty said with a small smile. “I’m not the worst catch out there.”

“Matty …” Antoni said, his eyes swimming. “You’re a wonderful catch. I just feel so guilty about using you like this.”

He shrugged. “Ahh, it’s not using me when I agreed to it.”

“I would have signed a prenup,” Antoni rasped. “I … should sign one. I still can. We’ll have to stay married for such a long time to make it look real. And I … know the law says after three years you’d owe me spousal support. That doesn’t seem right …”

“Hey,” Matty said softly, cupping his cheek. “It’s okay. I trust you. I know you’re not doing this for the money. And besides, if we stay married that long, you’d deserve it. It’s not an easy thing, being the husband of a hockey player. Charlie will tell you that.”

Antoni gave him a weak smile.

They likely would be married for years. Eli was only ten. If they split up too soon, if something happened to Antoni … no, they had to make sure nothing went wrong. They had to be sure Eli would be safe.

Antoni had to be sure all of the kids would be safe and happy.

Antoni and Matty had talked about it all. About what they’d have to do. About how they’d have to make it look real. And they’d agreed on it. If Matty wasn’t backing down, Antoni wouldn’t either.

“I don’t know if we’re doing the right thing, but this is the only thing that feels right to me,” Antoni whispered.

Matty squeezed his hand. “Let’s go get married then.”

As Matty got Reese out of his car seat, the older kids were so excited they could hardly stand still.

Even Alexis seemed keyed up as they walked toward Toronto’s city hall.

It seemed crazy that this was all happening so fast, but Matty was grateful. Better to get it done, better to not waste any time or let anything else get in the way.

But still, his heart raced as he held the door for Alexis, Eli, and River to walk ahead of him, then nodded for Antoni to go through too.

He looked worried but determined and Matty supposed he felt about the same.

In the lobby, Eli squealed and darted forward, throwing their arms around Eliza. “You’re here, Aunt Eliza!”

“I sure am,” she said with a laugh. “Someone needs to be a witness for these two.”

Eli pouted. “I don’t know why Alexis can be one but I can’t.”

“Because you are under twelve and that’s the cut-off age for witnesses in Ontario.” She booped Eli on the nose. “You look lovely, by the way.”

“Thanks.” Eli preened, showing off their dress. “We went shopping for new clothes for today.”

“I see that. You all look great.”

They did look nice. Matty would have to make sure to get pictures later.

“Where’s Dad?” Antoni asked, looking around.

“Parking. He’ll be here in a moment. Now, do you have everything you need? Both grooms are here so we’ve got that covered.” She winked. “Marriage license?”

“Got it.” Antoni held up a folder with the paperwork they’d picked up yesterday.

“Is anyone else coming?” she asked.

Matty shook his head.

Unfortunately, Antoni’s brother and his wife couldn’t make it today. Andrea had an important work meeting that couldn’t be rescheduled on such short notice and their kids had a stomach bug that Stephanie was dealing with. Poor woman.

Matty had found a local restaurant that delivered chicken soup and had it delivered to them this afternoon along with other simple comfort foods. Antoni had gotten this look on his face like he thought Matty was being both sweet and ridiculous or something but he hadn’t argued.