“Yeah, but what made her trip or fall or whatever?” Jonah glanced over at him again. “I mean, I know loss of balance isn’t a wildly crazy thing in a woman her age but for fuck’s sake, she does yoga and Zumba multiple times a week and goes walking with her friends in the neighborhood every fucking day. She’s active and her balance is good. This is weird, right?”
“Maybe?” Felix shrugged. “I mean, maybe it was just a strange little fluke. Like she’s a little dehydrated or has some inner ear thing going on.”
A few years ago, he’d had an ear infection that had totally fucked up his ability to stay upright on the ice.
Jonah sighed. “God, I hope so.”
“Either way, we’ll take good care of her,” Felix promised and Jonah shot him a fleeting smile.
They waited in silence for a while, the time seeming to stretch on interminably until a young blond man in scrubs appeared in the doorway. “Family for Ji-min Yun.”
“Uh.” Jonah rose to his feet. “It’s Yun Ji-min. The surname comes first in Korean.”
“I apologize. I’ll make a note of that.”
“You’re her grandson?” the man asked.
“Yes. Jonah Brewer.”
“I’m Tyson. I’m your grandma’s nurse. You can come back and see her now. The doctor will meet with you shortly.”
“Felix can come too, right?” Jonah asked.
“Oh, of course.” Tyson smiled at both of them. “Will any other family be arriving?”
Jonah shook his head. “No, it’s just us.” His voice sounded a little thick.
“Right this way.”
Felix rose and followed Tyson and Jonah through another small maze of halls.
Tyson stuck his head in the door. “I have some visitors for you, Mrs. Yun.”
Grandma Ji-min lay quietly in bed. She still looked a little pale, her lips and cheeks bleached of color.
“Hey, you doing okay?” Jonah asked softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“I’m fine, I’m fine. I don’t know why everyone’s making such a fuss. You worry too much.”
Felix felt a wash of relief at her sass as he kissed her cheek. She might look weak at the moment but there was still plenty of fire in her.
“You’re in the hospital!” Felix reminded her, taking a seat beside her bed. Jonah took the other one.
“Pfft, just a little bump on the head.”
“Grandma …”
“What?” She frowned at Jonah.
“We’ll hear what the doctor has to say,” Jonah said, taking her hand. “But you scared me tonight. When I saw you lying on the floor …”
Felix watched them gently squabble for a few minutes; every interaction tinged with love.
Even their arguments were sweet.
A deep ache settled in the center of Felix’s chest because his parents were so … distant.