“I know.” Felix curled his fingers around Jonah’s. “But we’re gonna be just fine.”
It wasn’t much, as far as reassurances went, but Jonah nodded, letting out a tense little breath and uncurling his hand from the armrest to tuck it into Felix’s, palms pressed tightly together. “Okay, start the movie again. Please.”
Felix hit Play and didn’t let go of Jonah’s hand until they were at cruising altitude, their palms sweaty where they were crushed together.
“Thanks,” Jonah said as he finally let go. “Hope you still have feeling in your fingers.”
Felix pressed Pause and smiled, flexing his hand. “Oh, I think I’ll still be able to jerk off.”
Jonah snorted. “Good to know. Maybe you can play some hockey too?”
“I mean … priorities,” Felix teased. “But I think maybe.”
Jonah shook his head but he looked a lot more relaxed, which was exactly what Felix had been aiming for.
“Be right back,” Felix murmured, rising to his feet. He’d had to piss since he got on the bus at the arena and he was dying now.
“Why, you going to test that hand out?” Jonah teased.
Felix chuckled. “Maybe. Why, you gonna lend a helping hand if mine doesn’t recover?”
Jonah stared at him for the longest moment before he blinked. “Only if you promise not to tell JockGossip.”
Amused, Felix jerked his head toward the front of the plane where an attendant was passing out beverages. “Get me a ginger ale with lime?”
As Felix passed by the table where Matty, Dominic, Dustin, and Jordan Stokes were setting up for their usual card game, Dustin snagged Felix’s suit jacket sleeve.
“Hey. Is Jonah doing okay?” Dustin asked with a concerned frown. “I know flights aren’t his favorite thing and …”
“He’s hanging in there,” Felix said, bending down so it would be harder for Jonah to try to read his lips if he happened to glance back. “A bit stressed but we’re watching a movie and I’m going to try to keep him distracted.”
Dustin gave him a long searching look, then nodded. “Okay. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help?”
“Yep. Thanks.” Felix stood and grazed his knuckles across his captain’s shoulder in appreciation. “But don’t worry—I’ve got him.”
“Yeah, gotta take care of your boyfriend there,” Matty teased. He’d already slipped off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. “Or the fans will start rioting.”
“Huh?” Felix asked, not sure what he meant by that.
Jordan raised his eyebrows. “Didn’t you see the signs tonight, man?”
“What signs?” Felix had worked very hard to tune out fan signs over the years. Particularly if his name was on them. He had the equipment guys keep an eye out for any kids looking for a stick or puck from him but that didn’t happen that often.
Jonah was way more likely to get requests. Hell, most of the team was.
“Oh my God,” Matty said, laughing. “I can’t believe you missed them. There were a bunch of girls with Hale + Brewer 4 Ever signs and shit tonight.”
“Seriously?” Felix chuckled at the ridiculous idea. “Are they actually taking that garbage in JockGossip as truth?”
Dominic scoffed. “Don’t they always? At one point they had me dating some pop star I’d never even fucking met and my DMs were getting slammed with people who were either pissed at me for helping her cheat on her husband or begging to get access to her through me. It was fucking weird, man.”
Felix chuckled. “Sounds about right. Guess I better count myself lucky they think I’m dating Jo, huh?”
“You could do worse,” Dominic said with a smirk.
“I probably have.” Felix’s tone was dry. Not Whitney. Despite their painful breakup, she was a good person. But some of the women he’d dated before her … He hadn’t always made the wisest choices.