Page 35 of The Waiting Game

“Yeah, well, I’ve got you beat there,” Matty said gloomily and Felix winced.

He’d never met Matty’s ex-wife, Courtney, but none of the things he’d heard were good.

“Better luck next time, right?” Felix said.

Matty scoffed. “Yeah. Not holding my breath there, bud.”

“Well, I’m about to stop holding my piss,” Felix admitted. “Enjoy your game.”

Felix continued down the aisle, sighing with relief when he finally reached the bathroom and was able to empty his bladder.

He used to be one of the guys playing cards but Jordan had taken Felix’s spot while he was at rehab. Jordan had offered to step back the moment Felix returned but Felix hadn’t wanted to make a fuss about it.

He’d worried too that gambling on cards was another addiction he might get sucked into.

They’d warned them about that. About all of the ways that addicts could jeopardize their recovery.

And these days, it felt like there was a minefield lurking around every corner.

But there was only so much trouble Felix could get up to at the moment, so he needed to stop worrying and focus on getting Jonah through this flight.


By the time the team returned home from their road trip the following week to a drizzle of spring rain, Jonah was exhausted.

They’d won in St. Louis. In Dallas. And again in Arizona.

But it was New York’s loss to Florida tonight that guaranteed the Fisher Cats the final wild card spot.

“We did it, boys!” Matty hollered as they stepped off the plane in Toronto, exhausted but happy. “We’re in the game!”

Jonah managed a tired laugh. He felt a little bruised after the battering Dallas had given them and Arizona had put up a surprisingly strong fight for having no real reason to do so. They were so far out of contention this season it was laughable.

“Party at the Matty Mansion!” Matty shouted.

Jonah groaned. “Tonight? Dude, it’s so late.”

“No time like the present!”

Jonah made a face. “Nah, I think I’ll go home.”

There were a lot of protests and some shit talking from some of the guys, but Jonah ignored the noise and loaded his bags into his trunk, doing a little Tetris to make sure Felix’s would fit too.

Maserati weren’t known for their roomy trunk space.

“You’re not staying away from Matty’s party because of me, are you?” Felix asked quietly as he slid into the passenger seat of Jonah’s car.

Jonah gave him a disgusted look and started the car. “No. I’m going home because I want to sleep in my own bed. And soon.”

“I’d say good—glad you’re not doing it for me—but seriously? How boring are you?”

“You know this about me,” Jonah protested. “I am not a partier.”

“You’ve been known to put a few back.”

Jonah shrugged. “Sure. It can be fun. But we’re coming off an exhausting roadie, my ribs and thigh are black and blue, and I am not in the mood for Matty’s shenanigans right now.”

“Fair enough.”