“Why won’t they fucking lay off on the scoring?” Felix grumbled with just over two minutes left in the third period.
Jonah chuckled. “Maybe if you asked politely?”
Felix snickered. “Yeah, I bet that’ll do it.”
But just when Felix was beginning to think they’d go into overtime, Jonah snapped the puck over to Colton Yates, who flicked it into the back of the net like it took no effort at all.
They had it. A fifth goal for the Fisher Cats. They had the lead.
Despite it being an away game, the arena erupted with noise. Lots of boos from the St. Louis’ crowd but it had been a beautiful goal and even some fans of their opponents seemed impressed with the replay showing Colton’s redirect and the neat way the puck had flown over the goaltender’s shoulder and landed in the net, earning him a hat trick.
A handful of caps sailed to the ice from Fisher Cats fans in the crowd and Felix thumped Colton on the back in appreciation.
The Fisher Cats were all on edge as the final ninety seconds of the game ticked away, wary of letting St. Louis tie it up again. But after their opponents pulled their goalie in the remaining forty-five seconds, Yates got another goal, this time off a pass from Kevin Hunter.
“You are killing it tonight, Yaterater,” Felix shouted.
Yates gave him a crooked, pleased smile. “Told Case I’d get at least three or four.”
Felix snorted. If only it was that easy all the time.
After that, all they had to do was keep the puck away from St. Louis as the clock ticked down, the final seconds running out with some keep-away passing.
Felix left the ice with a smile on his face. The team had a 6-4 win under their belt just when they needed it most.
If they won the next two games and their division rival lost at least one, they had a shot at making it to the playoffs.
But the happy mood didn’t last long. The minute they got off the ice, they had to hustle.
“Move, everybody,” Dustin shouted as he stripped off his gear faster than Felix had ever seen. “Casey said wheels up in forty-five. Make it quick, guys!”
It was more like an hour later as the bus pulled onto the tarmac and the team hustled off, but they all seemed to let out a collective sigh of relief at the sight of the plane.
Except for Jonah.
The rest of the team looked relaxed as they climbed the steps to board the aircraft—wind whipping at their wet hair and tugging at their suits—but the set of Jonah’s shoulders was tight as he slid into his usual seat.
Felix dropped into his spot beside Jonah, elbowing him in the side. “Hey, want to watch a movie tonight?”
Jonah gave him a stiff smile. “Sure. What do you have?”
When Felix made his suggestion, Jonah raised an eyebrow.
“You just happen to have the movie I’ve been dying to see, despite the fact that I know you have no desire to watch it?”
“No. Don’t be ridiculous.” Felix scoffed as he pulled his tablet and earbuds out of his leather messenger bag. “I downloaded it while I ate my pregame snack because I knew this flight was going to stress you out.”
Smiling, Jonah knocked their elbows together. “You’re alright, you know that?”
“So you say.” Felix flipped down the tray table in front of him and propped up his tablet. “You wanna watch or not?”
“Yeah.” Jonah took one of Felix’s earbuds. “Sounds good.”
Felix started the movie immediately but they were only a few minutes in when the pilot got on the intercom explaining that they were cleared to take off but they were adjusting their flight path and swinging east in an attempt to avoid the worst of the storm coming in.
The more the pilot talked, the worse Jonah felt.
“Fuck I hate this,” he murmured a few minutes later as the engines rumbled to life. He gripped the armrest, his knuckles pale.