Page 186 of The Waiting Game

“Well, I think I can speak on behalf of the team when I say we’re all very happy for you both,” Dustin said. “I’m glad it all worked out. Just … no more fighting in the locker room. Please.”

Everyone laughed and Jonah and Felix nodded their agreement. Yeah, that was fair.

“Hey, what are your summer plans, Matty?” Nico asked.

Matty shrugged. “Nothing that exciting. Staying around Toronto. Charlie’s doing some work on my place.”

“Oh, nice,” Felix said. “I keep forgetting to talk to him about that.”

Dustin looked confused. “Aren’t you guys planning to move in together?”

Jonah and Felix looked at each other.

“Uhh, we hadn’t gotten that far,” Jonah admitted. “I mean, probably? We’ve honestly been staying at Grandma’s place so much that we’ve barely seen our condos in weeks.”

Felix nodded. “We could maybe look into a house though. Might make sense.”

“True.” Jonah shrugged. “We’ve got a long summer to think about our options, that’s for sure.”

Felix took his hand. “As long as I’m with you, I don’t care where we live.”

Jonah leaned in to kiss him but someone made a gagging noise. “Gross. We’ve got another shmoopy couple around.”

Jonah shot Colton Yates the finger without even pulling away from Felix. And Felix responded by deepening the kiss.

Laughing, Jonah finally drew back. “You’ll survive, Yaterater.”

Colton made a face, then glanced around the table. “So who’s next? Which one of you is going to get hit with Cupid’s arrow?” He clutched his hands to his chest and fluttered his eyelashes.

Dominic scoffed and took a sip of his drink. “Well it ain’t me. The last thing I need is a relationship complicating my life. I had a shit season and I need to step up my training or do something different this summer.”

“Aww, it wasn’t that bad, man,” Matty said, ever loyal.

Dominic grimaced. “It wasn’t pretty. But hey, whatever’s best for the team. I’m slow as shit and Yates is skating circles around me these days.”

Colton shrugged, looking a little uncomfortable, but they all knew it was true.

“So that leaves you, Matty,” Dominic said. “You’re the only single one who wants a relationship.”

He gave Dom a half-hearted smile. “Yeah, I’d fucking love one. But do you know how hard it is to find someone?”

“Ehh, you never know,” Nico said. “Sometimes the perfect person drops into your lap.”

“Not holding my breath there,” Matty said with a grimace. “But hey, what are you and August up to this summer?”

Nico shrugged. “Well, we’ve got Dustin and Charlie’s vow renewal thing coming up. But before that, I think we’re heading to Europe for a few weeks. We’ll see the fam, do a little traveling, check out some sex clubs …”

Matty sprayed his beer across the table, some of it landing on Jonah’s arm. “Sex clubs? Jesus Christ, Nico. Tell me you’re kidding.”

Felix passed over a napkin so Jonah could wipe the beer off.

“Since when am I ever kidding about sex clubs?” Nico scoffed. “Come on, it’s like you don’t know me at all, man.”

Everyone laughed and Jonah and Felix shared a private smile.

“What about the rest of you guys?” Matty looked around the table.

Eric shrugged. “Kayla and the kids and I are all going back to Sweden for the summer. I’ll do my training there.”