“Tasha and I will do some traveling. Stop by Maryland to see my family,” Jordan said.
“Yeah, Birdie and I will head to see our families for a bit too. We’ll be back for Dustin and Charlie’s thing though.”
“And don’t forget!” Matty said, rubbing his hands together. “We finally get to throw D a bachelor party. I can’t fucking wait!”
“I’m looking forward to the honeymoon,” Dustin said with a little grin. “Spain, Italy, Greece … Charlie in a very small bathing suit …”
Colton threw a straw at his head and the entire table devolved into chirping and good-natured ribbing.
Jonah smiled.
The season might have ended horribly, but this team was amazing.
“I have an idea,” Grandma Ji-min said as Felix and Jonah set up the puzzle from Felix’s hobby of the month club following a brunch they’d all prepared and enjoyed together.
Felix glanced over at Jonah. “Why does that scare me?”
Jonah laughed. “I don’t know but it scares me too.”
“It’s a good idea!” she protested. “But you have to keep an open mind.”
“Now I’m really scared,” Jonah muttered.
Felix grinned and nudged Jonah with his knee. “What is it, Grandma Ji-min?”
“I want you two to have the house.”
Jonah blinked at her and Felix took a moment to process. “Wait, this house?” he asked.
“Yes.” She smiled at them both. “It’s much too big for me. You both love it here and you hardly spend any time at your own places. Why not?”
“Uhh,” Jonah said. “Because this was your dream home. You and Grandpa Cho built it together.”
“And we lived our dream life here,” she said with a smile. “It wasn’t perfect but it was wonderful. And now I’d like to give you the chance to have a wonderful life together here, if you wish. I don’t want you to feel obligated. If you’d rather stay in the condo building or buy a different house, that’s fine too. But it is yours if you want it.”
Felix glanced over at Jonah. “I mean, we’d need to talk about it.”
Jonah nodded, his face growing a little soft. “I do love this place.”
“You know I love it too,” Felix said. “And there would be tons of space for your plants.”
“And kids,” Jonah said. “I mean, not today or tomorrow for the kids but …”
Felix took his hand. “But someday, we’ll adopt.”
She looked delighted. “It’s settled then?”
“Well,” Jonah said. “Where would you be?”
“Oh, I’m moving in with Nancy.”
Felix’s eyes widened. “I didn’t realize you were dating …”
She cackled. “I didn’t fall in love with my best friend. That was you. No, Nancy and I aren’t in love. But we’re both lonely and widowed and her place has plenty of bedrooms, so we figured why not? Especially if you and Felix move in here.”